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Hi Team,

When the pre-post script is run, does Commvault only look at exit code=0 or exit code=1? Are there any other exit codes we can check?

@0ber0n - needs to be exit code 0

Scripts must return with exit code 0 in order for the next phase to start. If the script does not return with exit code 0, it is treated as a phase failure and the job is marked as pending

Hi @Gseibak 

thanks for the explanation and the documentation link.


Best Regards.

Hi @Gseibak 

Want to something else you about PrePost Script. I saw the following text in the documentation you forwarded.

  • You can use an echo command to check the level of a backup.

Based on this, I want to ask something.

We put a script in the PreScan phase and we want to reflect a message in this script to Commvault like this “Backup is Completed Successfully” or “Archive Log backup get an error” . Is that possible ?

How can we achive this ?

Best Regards.

Hi @0ber0n  - this link here may be useful - 

if you want to see ALL of the parameters we append use the echo with “%*” this way you can see the order of what is passed.

the docs mention “%6” is the -status parameter ( sixth parameter) but you may want to validate that by having your pre-scan script echo “%*” to see the order. 

keep in mind we only look for status code 0 so not sure what we would do with a string passed in but it would be fine for simply logging the info for tracking purposes.



