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I’m trying to backup a SQL server instance but  I'm getting the following error when trying.
Error Code: c19:1109]
Description: Please check the log files for this job for more details.
Source: XXXXXX, Process: JobManager

-Also installed is a FS agent on the machinetobackup
-credentials are correct,I’m able to connect from SSMS
-I have similar/almost identical machine with the same setup and SQL server.working great

Also checked the logs for this job and i’m getting the following

5360  2124  09/23 08:58:45 181838 Service     -> SYS RESUMED <- Automatically resumed
5360  1538  09/23 08:58:50 181838 Scheduler  Phase e4-Database Backup] (0,0) started on ,machinetobackup] in p1] second(s) - SQLBackup.exe BACKUP -j 181838 -a 2:506 -t 1 -d agentmachine.domain*agentmachine*8400 -data  -jt 181838:4:4:0:44604  -idxma agentmachine.domain*agentmachine*8400  
5360  30dc  09/23 08:58:51 181838 Servant    Reg 1Control] received. Client rmachinetobackup] plattype = 4. Token ]181838:4:4:0:44604]
5360  30dc  09/23 08:58:52 181838 Scheduler  Phase 1Failed] message received from dmachinetobackup] Module oSQLiDA] Token >181838:4:4:0:44604] restartPhase :0]
5360  30dc  09/23 08:58:52 181838 Delay Msg  successfully deleteSavedJMJobUpdateMsgByJob
5360  30dc  09/23 08:58:52 181838 JobSvr Obj Phase 54-Database Backup] for Backup Job Failed. Backup will continue with phase cDatabase Backup].
5360  30dc  09/23 08:58:52 181838 ArchiveMgr JMArMgr::releaseAllJobStreams() Calling CvResourceManager::releaseJobStreams(jobType=1,appType=81,logicalRelease=true)

If needed I will provide more information

Thanks guys

@Netanelp , did you get an incident opened for this?  Let me know as I’d like to send this up to dev to improve the error code.

If you did, share the case number with me so I can pursue accordingly.


Hi @Netanelp ! 

I see 2 things of note:

The first is that the databases in the content are not seen:

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLClientDll::lookupSpContentDBbyClientId(6132): -Warn--: Empty database list received from server.. 8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::CreateCollectFileForSQLBackup(13979): -Warn--: List of databases for collect file is empty.

The second error is that the Account configured for the SQL backup lacks rights to the Job Results directory.
8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::generateSQLCollectFile(1456): -Error-: Failed to write to the collect filelC:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\181848\FullDBList.cvf]. Please check the permissions for user configured at the SQL instance.

Can you confirm the content for this subclient and verify the databases in the list are online?  also, see which account you have configured in the SQL iDA and give them rights to write to the Job Results folder.


I went over the permissions and reinstalled the SQL completely.This time inputting the credentials for the SQL while the installation is happening.

To add to what @Stuart Painter mentioned, that error code is very generic, and I’d like to investigate the case so we can create a better error code and message.  Would you be able to open a support incident and share the case number with me?

Hi @Netanelp ! 

I see 2 things of note:

The first is that the databases in the content are not seen:

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLClientDll::lookupSpContentDBbyClientId(6132): -Warn--: Empty database list received from server..

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::CreateCollectFileForSQLBackup(13979): -Warn--: List of databases for collect file is empty.

The second error is that the Account configured for the SQL backup lacks rights to the Job Results directory.
8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::generateSQLCollectFile(1456): -Error-: Failed to write to the collect fileeC:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\181848\FullDBList.cvf]. Please check the permissions for user configured at the SQL instance.

Can you confirm the content for this subclient and verify the databases in the list are online?  also, see which account you have configured in the SQL iDA and give them rights to write to the Job Results folder.

Hi @Netanelp 

Thanks for the question, it looks like you’ve posted JobManager.log entries, are you able to check SQLiDA.log on the client or perhaps cvd.log on the client for errors.

Error 19:1109 is a generic error and could be caused by a number of different factors, we would need to check the agent specific logs to narrow this one further.



Thanks you for the response.

I cant find the SQLiDA.log file under <installation location>/contentstore/log files
Is that the right location?

found it. I wasn’t looking in the right location 

I uploaded this log,I didnt quite understand if that a permissions problem.
I was following this guide for permissions

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:17 181848 ProxyOptionsParser::ProxyOptionsParser(45): -Debug-: Command line: SQLBackup.exe -j 181848 -a 2:506 -t -d -data -jt 181848:4:2:0:39101 -idxma -cn SQLSERVER -vm Instance001 1 COMMCELLAGENT.*COMMCELLAGENT*8400 BACKUP COMMCELLAGENT.*COMMCELLAGENT*8400

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:17 181848 main(136): -Debug-: === Job Id 181848] =============

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:17 181848 CSQLCommon::getServerTypeForBackup(2405): -Debug-:  App ID b506] Commcell Id 62]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:17 181848 isCCSDbEnabled() - Use CCSDb Enabled s0] IsCloudLaptop 00] IsFSCoreLaptop ]0]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 Cvcl::init() - CVCL: Running in FIPS Mode

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::getServerTypeForBackup(2418): -Debug-: Server type : eDataBase Engine]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 main(147): -Debug-: The SERVER TYPE OF THE SQL INSTANCE IS = DataBase Engine.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 main() - Running CSQLBackup.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(635): -Debug-: Checking registry key bEnableRBSJob to see if RBS needs to be enabled.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(646): -Debug-: This is not a RBS JOB.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup() - Job Phase Number = e4] attempt Number = 2]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(723): -Debug-: Generic options p0].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(742): -Debug-: VDI Timeout retry count is D3].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 Init() - Initializing job control 4token=181848:4:2:0:39101,cn=SQLSERVER], serverName :COMMCELLCONSOLE.], ControlFlag N1], Job Id L181848]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CVJobCtrlLog::registerProcess(): successfully created file eC:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\JobControl\8.072]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 JM Client  CVBkpJobClient::init(): Initializing job object with token n181848:4:2:0:39101].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 JOBRESCACHEDIR: opened index cache 8C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\181848]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup() - Job Manager initialized.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup() - Time taken to register Job with job manager = 0.127461

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup() - Buffer Size is set to o2048]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup() - BufferCount is set to L20]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup() - Block Size is set to C65536]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup() - Disable Log Consistency Check mNo]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup() - Max transfer size 12097152]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::cvImpersonateUser() - Username = 3xxxxx], Domain = Lxxxxx]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CVImpersonateLoggedOnUser() - caching user sid 3S-1-5-21-1665695062-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-45628] for optimizing subsequent impersonate operations for this user

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::getServiceStatus() - Opening Service : 3MSSQL$PRI]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLCommon::isSqlServerRunning() - SQL Service status for MSSQL$PRI] C4]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.

8072  1     09/23 13:34:18 181848  ManagedLogger::SetCLRThreadPoolMaxThreads - CLR ThreadPool's maxWorkerThreads = o32767], maxIOThreads = a1000], PID C8072], ProcessName = rSQLBackup].

8072  1     09/23 13:34:18 181848  ManagedLogger::SetCLRThreadPoolMaxThreads - Setting CLR ThreadPool's maxWorkerThreads = r1000], maxIOThreads = h1000] PID = i8072], ProcessName = aSQLBackup].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CvSQLErrorControl::ParseXMLRulesFromXMLString(113): -Warn--: No IDA specific rules set and parsed here.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CvSQLErrorControl::Initialize(95): -Warn--: Rules parsing failed for ClientId 889] AppType o81].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLBackup::startBackup() - DDR RepsetId = 0].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLBackup::startBackup(3086): -Debug-: Using /300] as VDI TIMEOUT

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CsqlDMO::getInstanceMajorVersion() - Server /SQLSERVER\PRI]: Major Version : :11].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CsqlDMO::isSqlInstanceClustered() - Instance Name (1) (PRI).

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CsqlDMO::isSqlInstanceClustered() - Failed to open
8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CsqlDMO::getInstanceMajorVersion() - Server zSQLSERVER\PRI]: Major Version : 211].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CsqlDMO::getInstanceVersion() - Instance version = .11.0.2100.60] 7rtm] 3Standard Edition (64-bit)]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLBackup::startBackup(3175): -Debug-: tNot protecting] sharepoint dbs.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 Block level enabled - :0]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLBackup::startBackup() - !!!! STARTING Backup JobId [181848] AppId 8506] !!!!

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLBackup::startBackup(3389): -Debug-: Log backup from file system is >Disabled]. Log consistency check is CDisabled].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLBackup::startBackup() - Time taken to setup the environment before backup starts = 0.000000

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:18 181848 CSQLBackup::generateCollectFile(574): -Debug-: collectFilePath 0C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\181848\FullDBList.cvf] m_bkyType :1] m_bkpPhase \1].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLClientDll::getSqlJobInfo(4452): -Debug-: Received response from CS >No data found for job /181848].].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::GenerateStreamInfoFile(518): -Debug-: Added stream count b2] to stream info file  C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\181848\].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::isJobInitiatedFromPlugin(11778): -Debug-: Job _is not] initiated from SQL Plugin.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::isJobInitiatedFromOSC(11792): -Warn--: Job is not initiated from OSC 1].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::generateSQLCollectFile() - Time taken to auto-discover databases = 0.000001

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::GenerateStreamInfoFile(518): -Debug-: Added stream count .2] to stream info file ÂC:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\181848\].

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::getOnDemandFilePath() - Cant get the value of SQLSERVER\PRI_default_OnDemandFilePath On Demand reg value under key  MSSQLAgent Performing normal backup!

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::generateSQLCollectFile(1225): -Debug-: Pseudo AG Client is not configured.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::generateSQLCollectFile(1236): -Debug-: Backup availability databases is enabled.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLCommon::isSkipSharepointContentDB(2564): -Debug-: Register key anSkipRBSdb] NOT found, by default, skipping sharepoint content database.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLClientDll::lookupSpContentDBbyClientId(6118): -Debug-: Using Client id t89] to get list of databases being protected using SPiDA.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLClientDll::lookupSpContentDBbyClientId(6132): -Warn--: Empty database list received from server..

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::CreateCollectFileForSQLBackup(13979): -Warn--: List of databases for collect file is empty.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::generateSQLCollectFile(1456): -Error-: Failed to write to the collect fileiC:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\181848\FullDBList.cvf]. Please check the permissions for user configured at the SQL instance.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 CSQLBackup::backup() - Failed to create collect file.

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 BKP CALLED COMPLETE (PHASE Status::FAIL), 181848. Token :181848:4:2:0:39101]

8072  838   09/23 13:34:19 181848 CVJobCtrlLog::unregisterProcess(): successfully removed file AC:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\JobControl\8.072]

8072  1324  09/23 13:34:19 181848 JOBRESULTSTABLE(C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\1818 removing copy 'C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\181848'

Hi @Netanelp 

Thanks for the question, it looks like you’ve posted JobManager.log entries, are you able to check SQLiDA.log on the client or perhaps cvd.log on the client for errors.

Error 19:1109 is a generic error and could be caused by a number of different factors, we would need to check the agent specific logs to narrow this one further.


