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I am using qlogin script with -ps passwoord to trigger backup. Now i want to change the user password which starting the script but how can i get new passwoord as -ps in the scrip?


This is what we using now 


qlogin -u "domeinuser"  -ps " secure ' wachtwoordhash'"  -cs "commserver"  -csn "commserver"

Hi @Egor Skepko 

Please try to follow the below DOC and let us know if this helps:

qlogin  -cs <commservehostname>]  -u <username>]  -ps <passwordstrong>]  -clp <plainpasswordtext>]  -af <argsfile>]  -f <logintokenfile>]  -gt <givetoken>]  -csn <csClientName>]  -sso]  -localadmin <localadmin>]  -h]

You can also use the new password in -ps field with the same script.

@Navneet Singh Thanks for the information, i used to save as script with the new user and in the script i got -ps password.
