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Hi all,

Question, just for personal sake..
Is it possible to backup a rasberry pi (64bit OS) using a commvault agent?
I know it is not supported, however I hope someone got it working anyway.

I tried to push it an received an error:
Error Code: 68:175] Description: Failed to install File System Core Package, could not determine processor/OS type of client.

Marcel Vis

My understanding is that Raspbian is Debian based, but not the same.  I assume you are trying to push the Linux client out?  I wouldn’t except it to work since it’s not on the supported OS list.

Hi @Marcel as @Mike Struening  stated I would not expect this to work but as a workaround could you possibly still capture the system data from by exporting a NFS share to another client, then creating a subclient to backup the shared contents?

Hi @Mike Struening  and @Scott Reynolds , yes as stated in my starting post I am looking for a way/hack to install an agent on the RPI.

If there is really no way, I will go ahead and do the NFS sharing.


Rather than a remote install, I’d try copy the packages locally or mount a share and install direct from the client - its going to be easier to troubleshoot from there.

Are you sure a 64bit OS is installed? By default it deploys 32-bit raspbian using the standard installer (Noobs I think it is).

You will probably need to manipulate the detect file, here are the checks located for OS etc..

Thanks guys, I will attempt that somewhere next week.
Yes, it is the 64bit (non-default) version

I just installed the 64bit arm version of the Commvault agent (11.28) locally with sudo ./cvpkgadd, and it simply worked!
Backup is running as we speak 😁

Well done, @Marcel !!!!

Feel free to mark your the best reply as the Answer!

Thanks to @Damian Andre ’s simple but effective hint

Thanks to @Damian Andre ’s simple but effective hint

