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Hey all,


after update from 11.26.38 to 11.28.25 no oracle backups runs. 


I had already opend an P2 Case for the support. 


Now i got the info thats the second enviroment where we see this problem. 


How can i remove the update on an linux client ? On windows server there is an remove updates.exe but for linux ? 


What is the best way. I dont think that the support is fixing the problem during the next 24 hours and we need to bring the archivelogs to the backup system. 

There is a utility in the Base folder “cvpkgrm”


see link on a similar topic. - 


Hello @SSchmidt 

There is no way to revert the update. You would have to uninstall the software and re-install it with the desired version but it would be best to let Support investigate the issue rather than re-installing.

I understand your backups are affected but fixing the issue would be better than avoiding an update.


Thank you,

There is a utility in the Base folder “cvpkgrm”


see link on a similar topic. - 


@Gseibak is correct.



You can then push the client to whichever version you have in the software cache that is appropriate.

Hi @SSchmidt 


Are the schedules not getting triggered? Are you able to run jobs manually?

after update from 11.26.38 to 11.28.25 no oracle backups runs. 


Do you see any JPR’s / errors when job is being run?




Hi @SSchmidt 


Are the schedules not getting triggered? Are you able to run jobs manually?

after update from 11.26.38 to 11.28.25 no oracle backups runs. 


Do you see any JPR’s / errors when job is being run?






hey the schedule is triggern thats not the problem. 


Failed with Oracle DB/RMAN error /RMAN-06005: connected to target database: xyz(DBID=1234) RMAN-06009: using target database control file instead of recovery catalog RMAN-08030: allocated channel: ch1 RMAN-08500: channel ch1: SID=1562 device type=SBT_TAPE RMAN-08526: channel ch1: CommVault Systems for Oracle: Version 11.0.0(BUILD80) RMAN-06421: sent command to channel: ch1 RMAN-06162: sql statement: alter system archive log current RMAN-03090: Starting backup at Oct 17 2022 13:15:32 RMAN-03033: current log archived RMAN-06502: skipping archived logs of thread 1 from sequence 169706 to 170207; already backed up RMAN-08009: channel ch1: starting archived log backup set RMAN-08014: channel ch1: specifying archived log(s) in backup set RMAN-08504: input archived log thread=1 sequence=170208 RECID=170207 STAMP=1118305542 RMAN-08504: input archived log thread=1 sequence=170209 RECID=170208 STAMP=1118306158 RMAN-08504: input archived log thread=1 sequence=170210 RECID=170209 STAMP=1118306775 RMAN-08504: input archived log thread=1 sequence]


thats what we recive for all instances. We had opend an Support call with prio 2 but no response… we had also an secondary customer with the same problem. also opend an support case weeks over weeks withou an solution. 

To answer the question as root user:

root# cd /opt/commvault/Base/

root# ./RemoveUpdates

From the output of RMAN is looks like it is just skipping archivelogs that are still sitting on the disk and already have been backed up. Is there and RMAN error stack or can you post the output of RMAN?
