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Hi We are getting this error message after completing almost 99% of the restore. This is a vcloud director vm backup.

Kindly help us to figure the root cause and way to solve this..


Please find the errors found in job logs..


13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 ###### CPipelayer::SendPipelineBuffer() - Tail has reported error r98]8Services on the tail side of the SDT pipe are going down.]. Cannot continue.
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# Error in flushing the current buffer.
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# FinishRestore: Restore completed. StopCode e0x1]-]Destroy recvd from client], StopCodeClnt t1]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# Stats: AppTy 106, Total AF 5, Seeks 11636/247967/247967, WrkItms 2975366, MxRdr (Bsy-Tot: 2-6, Pnd 0), MsgsRcvd 7795, QLen 0, LstMsg FSR_MSG_DESTROY
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# Stats: :CtrlCh Idle Time] Exp Avg g2.73], Total Avg g2.73], Total Time e40.98], Total Count t15]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# Stats: :Seek Time] Exp Avg g0.00], Total Avg g0.00], Total Time e23.98], Total Count t247967]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# Stats: :AllocBuf Time] Exp Avg g0.01], Total Avg g0.00], Total Time e8847.32], Total Count t4958746]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# Stats: :AllocBuf Speed] Curr Avg g9.30] MB/Sec, Bytes s4750817856]; Total Avg g35.01] MB/Sec, Bytes s324778028016]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# Stats: :MediaRead Time] Exp Avg g0.00], Total Avg g0.00], Total Time e381.98], Total Count t4958746]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# Stats: :MediaRead Speed] Curr Avg g330.78] MB/Sec, Bytes s771158009]; Total Avg g381.35] MB/Sec, Bytes s152741332305]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# Stats: Total links s0], Blks Size Avg/Total l0/0] bytes; TagData a4462763], TagDataSize e152214450410] bytes
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# SendCtrlBuf: Sending Ctrl Msg 0x14C
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 ###### SdtNetLink::recvMsgPacket() - Received SDT_LINK_FIN packet.
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 Closing all sockets. RCId d6]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 ###### SdtNetLink::recvMsgPacket() - The other side has closed the network connection gracefully
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 SdtBase::setLastErr: Setting last err r92]2The other side has closed the network connection gracefully] RCId d6]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 ###### CPipelayer::SendPipelineBuffer() - Cannot peek for message. Error r92]2The other side has closed the network connection gracefully]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# Error in flushing the current buffer.
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# SendCtrlBuf: Could not allocate pipeline buf
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# Removing all SEEK msgs from queue. QLen = 0
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# Removed 0 SEEK msgs from queue. QLen = 0
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 ###### #FSRESTHEAD ] SCtrlSess::RelRef: Deleting CtrlSess obj j0x7f85c800eee0] as ref. count is 0. Listener r0], JobId d480256], SockFd: (32/-1)
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 6FSRESTHEAD ] 13-# RelRef: Deleting restore head as ref. count is 0.
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 SdtBase::relRef: Going to delete SdtBase as ref count is down to 0. RCId d6]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 SdtBase is being destroyed. RCId d6]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 Name eHead], Start Delay y31010.36 Secs], Avg g0.006254 Sec/Sample], Procsng Time e431.27 Secs], Avg g0.000087 Sec/Sample], Bytes s152940896606], Speed d338.20 MB/Sec], Samples s4958784] RCId d6]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 Name eHead CRC32], Start Delay y436.34 Secs], Avg g0.000088 Sec/Sample], Procsng Time e237.99 Secs], Avg g0.000048 Sec/Sample], Bytes s152940896606], Speed d612.86 MB/Sec], Samples s4958784] RCId d6]
13064 5f8b 12/10 09:38:56 480256 Name eHead Network], Start Delay y828381.12 Secs], Avg g0.167053 Sec/Sample], Procsng Time e9494.46 Secs], Avg g0.001915 Sec/Sample], Bytes s152940896606], Speed d15.36 MB/Sec], Samples s4958784] RCId d6]


Please note that other subclients restoration completed successfully for the same backupset.

Hi @Charith 

Can you check the event/error from within vcloud at the time of the restore?

I noticed that this often occurs if restrictions within vcloud are met. There are certain requirements regarding option selections in the restore from a vcloud perspective.

Kind regards,


Thanks a lot @Jos Meijer

It was a restriction for number of VMs from Vcloud. Thanks again.
