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Hi! I’m chris

I want to know the meaning of the option


ACLs only / Data Only / Both Data and ACLs


I don't know which option to use



Good morning.  Can you please update as to what agent you are attempting to restore data to as I will be able to give you a better answer with that information.   


The option to restore ACLs only specifies that the backed up Access Control Lists (ACLs) will be restored. Files will inherit the ACLs from the parent or an ancestor directory if the parent or the ancestor directory is configured to set the ACLs recursively for the directories below it. You would clear this option to restore without ACLs.


The option to restore the data only will restore the files without the ACLs.  This will give you back just the data file itself.


The third option gives you the option to restore the data file AND it have the ACLs restored with it.



Permissions, folders\files, or permissions and folders\files