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Hi Team,

Do we have any command to extend the retention for multiple jobs at a time. We have the task to extend the retention of multiple jobs (like 100 jobs) and is there any easy we can do it.

Hi @naraharsha ,


Honestly I do not know, but I would be interested to read the means to do it, if any.

Do you need to do it for like 100 jobs and for all copies of each job ?

Or for only one copy of each job ?






I want it for jobs which are in one copy only.

Hello @naraharsha,

Please refer to the following documentation:


This will only do one job at a time, but you should be able to use a foreach loop in powershell to iterate through an input file which lists all of the jobs that you need to extend the retention for.


@blistwan Thankyou.

Is there a powershell script to automate this work by using foreach loop?



@naraharsha , we don’t have a script on hand, though this doc should help you create one: