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I'd like to know how to check that my ‘Retire laptops when they are offline for...’ and ‘Delete retired laptops after’ settings are working properly ?

the number of laptops is not decreasing…


thanks a lot



Please check that the endpoint or laptop is able to establish communication with the CommServe during the deletion process. If there's a lack of communication, the device will not be deleted from the CommVault database.

Attempt to reconnect the endpoint or laptop to the network and then proceed with the deletion process. If necessary, perform a manual uninstallation directly from the endpoint or laptop.

Thank you.



you didn’t understand :

see screenshot ( yellow section )

when i choose 10 months in the option ( Retire laptops when they are offline for ), my total laptop is not decreasing…


Retire laptop when they are offline for :
box specify the time after which the offline laptop is uninstalled automatically.

Additionally, after the specified time elapses, the offline laptops without any associated backup data are deleted. The offline laptops with associated backup data are left deconfigured so their data is available for potential restoration.

So when this time elapse you can see it in total laptop but it will be in DE configured state.

Delete retire laptops:

 After the time elapses, the Commvault software purges the deconfigured laptop's data from the system. Subsequently, you cannot restore the data from such laptops.

After this it won't show in total laptops.

When you change any of these values you can verify these columns in laptop listing page. 



i don’t have in colums choice : Days until Deleted neither Days until retired !!!

screenshot attached



Thats not the right place. Verify in protect->laptop->laptops

….i do not have, sorry…. screenshot attached





What is the CommServe SP level ? All these options are there in SP32 

Version: 11.28.83 Commvault

platform release: 2022E

Ok. Once you upgrade to SP32 you will get these. Not in Sp28. 
