
ScheduleID from Job Summary

  • 14 December 2022
  • 5 replies

Badge +4

I have a request to extend the backup job summary report to include information about the schedule from which the job was started. I think I've searched every DB view but can't find any reference from a completed job to the ScheduleID. Can you please give me a reference or explain why this is not saved?

5 replies

Badge +4

Can a connection be made between a completed job and the schedule pattern used for it? 
Job 1234567
Started at 09:15:02
Scheduled at 09:15:00
By schedule DailyInc0915

Badge +4

The actual goal is to show/create a backup report with the SchedulePattern (daily/weekly/monthly/etc.) per job. If this is possible without a ScheduleID, then any solution is welcome.

Badge +4
Hello and thanks for the quick replies. I know how to find scheduleIDs and information about schedules. What I'm missing is the reference to a schedule from a completed job. Not whether this job was started by a schedule or manually, but by which schedule it was started.
Userlevel 1
Badge +5


Login to the CommServ’s Powershell and try this

Link :


This should help

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Let me ask internally.

Event this REST API call lacks the schedule ID:

Be in touch!
