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Hey All,


maybe you have an idear. We are missing the part 


protect → applications → exchange


this is not available. We are using eschange DAG backup with blocklevel feature. 


In java gui it works without problems. In Command center we did not see this point. 


We tried different users with master role and also tried different languages. Version ist 11.25.19


maybe you have an idear

That is the instructions on setting up your requested client (DAG) in Command Center.

Let me know if you have any additional questions.

hey ho,


thanks for your awnser. I had one additional question :) 


What is reagrding existing DAGs. In our case it is an old DAG but the customer preferd to use the command center instad of the java gui. So everything which is described in Creating an Exchange DAG Client was dann in java gui and we had a lot of backups. If we are now creating an new pseudoclient over command center we had dublicate pseudoclients right ? 


if yes than its not an option because if you need to restore older backups you must go to java gui and pick the old client. 


So there is no option that the command center detect the available dag ? 

Mmmm interesting thread to follow. So you're stating that your existing Exchange client does not show-up in Command Center. Can you lookup the client under servers?

yes all Exchange Member Server and also the pseudo client is visable in command center


Comcell Gui through crrated exchange DAG clients should be displayed under Protect -→ Exchange 

if it is not getting displayed please escalate it.

we need to check if there is anything missing.




okay i hoped i can prefent the case 🙂 I will let you know what happend during support case


Maybe I am interpreting the initial question wrong, but just to be sure and complete.

I read this as that the menu item for Exchange is not available at all.
If this is the case please check:

  • your general menu customization, go to Manage - Customization - Navigation
    expand Protect - Applications and check if exchange is selected for your user type.
  • if you are member of a company check the company menu customization, go to Manage - Company - <your company>
    Click on Navigation Customization, expand Protect - Applications and check if exchange is selected for your user type.
  • guided setup to see if Exchange has been enabled, go to Guided setup - click exchange and see if remaining setup requirements are shown, if a server plan is already available you can click “Your setup has been finished. Click here to go to your solution”

If this does not apply to your situation you can ignore my reply 😋

@SSchmidt I would also recommend you to update to the latest maintenance relaese. Not sure if you looked already, but as you are running FR25.19 there are many Exchange related fixes also in combination with Command Center in more recent versions. Latest version is FR25.32.

And indeed as @Jos Meijer pointed out check the customization if Exchange is selected. 



so the exchange dag was not shown befor we change the customize view