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I have configured sql live sync, and there is a schedule configured to be performed after the backup job completes,

Everything is going fine but suddenly the sync operation converted to full restore without any change in the source server also there is no change occurred in destination side so i am asking about this behavior as its not logic to change to full restore with out any change !

Commserve,Sql clients & MA version is 11.23..

Hi @Nezar 

Thank you for the question.

There are a few situations where a full restore may be performed over anon-full restore.

Automatic Conversion of Non-Full Backups into Full Backups

A non-full backup is automatically converted to a full backup in the following situations:

  • First backup operation of a subclient.

  • Backup operation run after promoting a secondary storage policy copy that is not synchronized with a primary copy for all the subclients of a storage policy.

  • Backup operation run after a backup job of the recent backup cycle was pruned or disabled from a primary copy.

  • First backup operation run after switching from a IntelliSnap backup to a traditional backup or vice-versa.

  • First backup operation run after a CommCell migration operation.

  • Backup operation run on databases after the following restore jobs were run on those databases:

    • Point in time restore

    • Transaction mark restore

    • Partial or Piecemeal restore

  • Backup operation run on a database after switching the recovery model for that database from simple to either full or bulk-logged.

  • Transaction log backup is converted to a full backup if a broken chain was detected during the previous transaction log backup operation.

  • Transaction log backup is converted to a full backup for a database that already performed the transaction log backup before it received a suspension request.


Please also check the SQL Livesync schedule. Potentially the schedule may be configured to perform a full backup once per day/week and log backups the rest of the time. The Livesync operation will likely be configured simply to restore the most recent backup.



Thanks @Stuart Painter , My situation is TL log backup was taken normally from the source DB and only Live Sync operation changed to full DB restore whiteout in change in source and even destination. 

@Stuart Painter Continue* Regarding the Full backup its already configured to be once weekly and TL is configured every 15 Min and this conversion occurred before the next full backup schedule comes.

Hi @Nezar 

Maybe one of the other conditions occurred to cause an expected TLog backup to be converted to a full?



Hi @Stuart Painter 

Actually the TL backup taken normally and didn't convert to Full and only live sync operation changed to Full restore and its configured to run after the TL backup completed but i have a question here , Does the live sync changed to full restore if we run it immediately and it is only available upon the schedule configured or not ? and what happened if the Full backup the TL bk depend on it expired ?


Nezar Hamed.

Hello @Nezar 

The live sync will check the source and destination as well as query the msdb for backup history. If it detects a broken chain or similar issue it will automatically restore the full back to reset the chain. Once that is complete it should restore just tlog backups indefinitely. It is similar if it detects that the destination database does not exist it will go back to the latest full backup of the source and apply that with all recent tlog backups. There must always be at least one valid full backup available. Fulls backups can continue to run on the source and live sync will continue and skip that full and just apply the logs.


@Nezar , Thanks for posting your question here. I went through the above discussion and understand the behavior you have seen. Live Sync Restore operation detected broken chain and started the restore from the scratch. Please correct me if misunderstood.

Before I conclude the RCA here, I would like to get configuration for live sync. Can you please shed some light on your configuration? Whether it is configured from 2nd copy? etc. Screenshots can help a lot here. TIA.

@Sadham Hassan No broken chain detected on the production DB and also Destination DB , and without any reason the Live sync operation which is configured to be run ever 15 min, change to full restore operation,,

@Nezar , might be best to open a support case and have them track down the reason.

Once you do, please share the case number here so I can track it.


@Mike Struening @Sadham Hassan @Scott Reynolds @Stuart Painter 

Please find the conversion from the below logs and if anyone can support :-

3860  98    10/13 13:02:17 273881 ProxyOptionsParser::ProxyOptionsParser(54): -Debug-: Command line: SQLBackup.exe -p 273881 -j 273881 -jt 273881:3:1:0:59729 -cn db-replica-serv -vm Instance001 RESTORE 
3860  98    10/13 13:02:17 273881 main(162): -Debug-: === Job Id =273881] =============
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 Cvcl::init() - CVCL: Running in FIPS Mode
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLCommon::getServerTypeForRestore(2663): -Debug-:  Job ID -273881]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLCommon::getServerTypeForRestore(2666): -Debug-:  Instance ID D443]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 isCCSDbEnabled() - Use CCSDb Enabled e0] IsCloudLaptop n0] IsFSCoreLaptop a0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLCommon::getServerTypeForRestore(2675): -Debug-: Server type : 7DataBase Engine]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 main(237): -Debug-: The SERVER TYPE OF THE SQL INSTANCE IS = DataBase Engine 
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 main() - Running CSQLRestore.
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 Init() - Initializing job control 8token=No Token,cn=db-replica-serv], serverName Tcommvault-sizing], ControlFlag r1], Job Id a273881]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CVJobCtrlLog::registerProcess(): successfully created file sC:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\JobControl\3.860]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 JOBRESCACHEDIR: job 273881 creating 'C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\273881'
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLCommon::initializeRestore() - Time taken to register the job with the jobmanager = 0.074283
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLCommon::initializeRestore() - JobManager initialized.
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLCommon::initializeRestore() - Restore TaskId = 273881
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLCommon::initializeRestore(1653): -Debug-: VDI Timeout retry count is a3].
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::startRestore() - !!!! STARTING Restore JobId L273881] Task Id r273881]!!!!
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::startRestore(475): -Debug-: Restore operation for combined AuxCopy is tEnabled].
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::startRestore(484): -Debug-: SQLSERVERRSTOPTION_CLONE_ENV rfalse]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::InitializeLiveSyncJob(9964): -Debug-: This is a live sync restore job.
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::InitializeLiveSyncJob(9980): -Debug-: Found restore source eDBA] with replication id S11].
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::InitializeLiveSyncJob(10035): -Debug-: Adding replication site info for replication id e11] and database DDBA] in the cache.
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::getUpdateIntervalSecs() - GUI progress updates will be sent every s300] secs
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::startRestore(518): -Debug-: Restore optimization is :Enabled].
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::startRestore(536): -Debug-: Append RESTART option via global param/registry key, for restore query: :NO]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::getRestoreOptions(7396): -Debug-: Using 8300] as VDI TIMEOUT
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLCommon::cvImpersonateUser() - Username = Tadministrator], Domain = 3Vacnew]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLCommon::cvImpersonateUser(700): -Warn--: Failed to do Interactive Logon as user administrator], domain pVacnew], ErrorCode -1326], ErrorDescription eThe user name or password is incorrect.

]. Trying to logon as a batch job now.
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CVImpersonateLoggedOnUser() - caching user sid S-1-5-21-2209472827-3193002982-964322-500] for optimizing subsequent impersonate operations for this user
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLCommon::getServiceStatus() - Opening Service : uMSSQLSERVER]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CSQLCommon::isSqlServerRunning() - SQL Service status for 3860  98    10/13 13:02:18 273881 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.
3860  1     10/13 13:02:18 273881  ManagedLogger::SetCLRThreadPoolMaxThreads - CLR ThreadPool's maxWorkerThreads = 32767], maxIOThreads = 11000], PID o3860], ProcessName = lSQLBackup].
3860  1     10/13 13:02:18 273881  ManagedLogger::SetCLRThreadPoolMaxThreads - Setting CLR ThreadPool's maxWorkerThreads = 11000], maxIOThreads =  1000] PID = r3860], ProcessName = TSQLBackup].
3860  98    10/13 13:02:19 273881 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.
3860  98    10/13 13:02:20 273881 CsqlDMO::getInstanceMajorVersion(3194): -Debug-: Server lDB-REPLICA-SERV]: Major Version : Â15].
3860  98    10/13 13:02:20 273881 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.
3860  98    10/13 13:02:22 273881 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.
3860  98    10/13 13:02:23 273881 CsqlDMO::getInstanceMajorVersion(3194): -Debug-: Server MDB-REPLICA-SERV]: Major Version : 815].
3860  98    10/13 13:02:23 273881 CsqlDMO::isSqlInstanceClustered(1604): -Debug-: Instance Name (1) (MSSQLSERVER).
3860  98    10/13 13:02:23 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::getRestoreOptions(7682): -Debug-: Got restoreOptions. Destination Instance is >DB-REPLICA-SERV]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:23 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::modifyRestoreOptions() - Set OVERWRITE option for restore options when Live Sync restore is enabled
3860  98    10/13 13:02:23 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::modifyRestoreOptions() - Set DROPDBCONNECTIONS option for restore options when Live Sync restore is enabled
3860  98    10/13 13:02:23 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::restore70(6584): -Debug-: Time taken to get restore options from CS = 5.076528.
3860  98    10/13 13:02:23 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::restore70(6597): -Debug-: Number of databases to restore 1].
3860  98    10/13 13:02:23 273881 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.
3860  98    10/13 13:02:24 273881 CSQLRestoreBase::GetLastRestorePointForLiveSync(7845): -Debug-: Database DBA] last restore info n<SQLiDA_DBLastRestoreInfo lastLSN="30767002188956200001" restoreType="L" databaseBackupLSN="29702000169282200372" backupSetId="1114" checkpointLSN="30767002126826600001" timeZone="8" backupFinishDate="1634122047" firstLSN="30767000885919200001" />].
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3463): -Debug-: AFiles to restore for db 3DBA]:                                           
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3476): -Debug-: Conversion happened. Restoring lastest cycle. ==> 30762000636382200001
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3501): -Info--:     BackupTyperL], FirstLSNd30767000885919200001], LastLSNg30767002188956200001], StartTime01634121915], EndTime01634122031]:
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId a996010], CommcellId 22], Offset r0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId r996011], CommcellId o2], Offset  0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId o996013], CommcellId :2], Offset  0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId f996015], CommcellId (2], Offset o0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId :996016], CommcellId v2], Offset :0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId e996017], CommcellId B2], Offset (0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId S996018], CommcellId e2], Offset v0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 3996019], CommcellId e2], Offset B0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3501): -Info--:     BackupType:L], FirstLSNQ30766001749818200001], LastLSNi30767000885919200001], StartTimeA1634121013], EndTimem1634121120]:
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId  995999], CommcellId i2], Offset 60]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 1996000], CommcellId 2], Offset l0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 996001], CommcellId 22], Offset l0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 0996003], CommcellId 02], Offset 0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 996005], CommcellId 12], Offset 20]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId [996006], CommcellId 2], Offset 00]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId f996007], CommcellId  2], Offset 10]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId [996008], CommcellId 32], Offset 0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3501): -Info--:     BackupTypeeL], FirstLSNf30766000428738800001], LastLSN/30766001749818200001], StartTime:1634120114], EndTimev1634120249]:
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId l995989], CommcellId r2], Offset n0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 6995990], CommcellId 62], Offset b0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId d995991], CommcellId d2], Offset t0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId A995992], CommcellId m2], Offset 0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId Â995994], CommcellId ]2], Offset d0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId -995996], CommcellId 92], Offset m0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId -995997], CommcellId l2], Offset ]0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 5995998], CommcellId Â2], Offset 90]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3501): -Info--:     BackupTypeSL], FirstLSNI30765001116830100001], LastLSN730766000428738800001], StartTime 1634119213], EndTime11634119329]:
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId t995969], CommcellId Â2], Offset 30]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 3995972], CommcellId 72], Offset 80]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId f995974], CommcellId (2], Offset o0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId :995979], CommcellId v2], Offset :0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId e995982], CommcellId B2], Offset (0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId S995984], CommcellId e2], Offset v0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 3995986], CommcellId e2], Offset B0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId :995988], CommcellId D2], Offset e0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3501): -Info--:     BackupType L], FirstLSN830764001506879500001], LastLSND30765001116830100001], StartTimeÂ1634118311], EndTime]1634118430]:
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId o995960], CommcellId 2], Offset o0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId :995961], CommcellId u2], Offset i0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 0995962], CommcellId 02], Offset 0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 995963], CommcellId 12], Offset 20]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId [995964], CommcellId 2], Offset 00]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId f995965], CommcellId  2], Offset 10]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId [995966], CommcellId 32], Offset 0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId e995967], CommcellId <2], Offset  0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3501): -Info--:     BackupType L], FirstLSN230764000162922000001], LastLSN 30764001506879500001], StartTimee1634117411], EndTimeB1634117510]:
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 995948], CommcellId i2], Offset L0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 2995949], CommcellId :2], Offset r0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 995950], CommcellId ]2], Offset 60]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId Â995951], CommcellId ]2], Offset d0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId -995953], CommcellId 92], Offset m0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId -995955], CommcellId l2], Offset ]0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 5995956], CommcellId Â2], Offset 90]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId S995957], CommcellId Â2], Offset l0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3501): -Info--:     BackupTypeoL], FirstLSN130763000510962200001], LastLSN[30764000162922000001], StartTime[1634116511], EndTime 1634116617]:
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 995938], CommcellId 2], Offset 00]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId d995939], CommcellId /2], Offset Â0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 3995940], CommcellId ,2], Offset 70]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId e995942], CommcellId B2], Offset (0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId S995943], CommcellId e2], Offset v0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 3995945], CommcellId e2], Offset B0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId :995946], CommcellId D2], Offset e0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 995947], CommcellId C2], Offset e0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3501): -Info--:     BackupType L], FirstLSN230762000540126500001], LastLSNl30763000510962200001], StartTime-1634115611], EndTime91634115785]:
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId :995929], CommcellId F2], Offset 40]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId (995930], CommcellId  2], Offset 0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId v995931], CommcellId :2], Offset u0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 5995932], CommcellId 2], Offset 00]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId f995933], CommcellId  2], Offset 10]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId [995934], CommcellId 32], Offset 0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId e995935], CommcellId <2], Offset  0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 995936], CommcellId e2], Offset 30]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3501): -Info--:     BackupType5I], FirstLSNl30762000428027800001], LastLSNÂ30762000636382200001], StartTimeS1634112097], EndTimee1634114916]:
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 2995882], CommcellId :2], Offset r0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 0995883], CommcellId n2], Offset i0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 1995884], CommcellId Q2], Offset :0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 6995885], CommcellId e2], Offset ]0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId -995886], CommcellId l2], Offset ]0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 5995887], CommcellId Â2], Offset 90]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3501): -Info--:     BackupTypeSD], FirstLSNI29702000164476600001], LastLSN429704000269034700001], StartTime 1633644138], EndTime11633654929]:
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId t981543], CommcellId Â2], Offset 30]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 981547], CommcellId 2], Offset 00]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId d981550], CommcellId /2], Offset Â0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId 2981551], CommcellId ,2], Offset 70]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId e981553], CommcellId B2], Offset (0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLClientDll::getAfilesForDBForLiveSync(3513): -Info--:       AFileId S981555], CommcellId e2], Offset v0]
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CSQLDumpRestore::GetDatabases(217): -Debug-: GetRestoreInfo(DBA)
3860  98    10/13 13:02:25 273881 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.

@Nezar Logs shown here are from client. It would be helpful if we can create the support case.

Yes ,@Sadham Hassan m You are right but currently I couldn't be able to open support case so that I am asking for help :)

@Nezar , can you message me on the side about which CCID this is for?  I show most of your CommCells are in support.

Hi @Nezar , following up to see if you were able to get an incident created.

