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i would like to know what is the best way to backup and restore the sql vm which has intendant disk

backup -

type 1 - vm level backup - in this the independent disk is not included 

type 2 -File system level backup

type 3 - database full backup

type 4 - archive backup 

if i have a situation where my whole environment is affected what is  the restoration procedure 

first vm restore 

then file system level restore

then db full restore 

then archive restore 

this will take hours and hours to complete , is there anyway i can take the backup and restore effectively by reducing down time


can someone help me please 

Hi @Ajal 

Thanks for reaching out

I would suggest to configure SQL with Appaware VMware Backups.

Please review our documentation for further information, it covers both backup & restore.

@Emils  Hello Emils , will it cover the independent disk?


yes, if you use Commvault Intellisnap.



Hello @Ajal 

It would be good to know why the disk was marked as independent, based on this you can determine if a backup was required for this disk. 

Without independent disks, VM restore would be the fastest way to bring up the server. 

With independent disks, backup and restore would be more than just VM restore (additional recovery required for complete recovery)

I would test the backup and recovery of whatever option selected before implementing it in production.


