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Hi Team,


The Library of Storage Policy Copy, which I marked in the red frame in the screenshot below, will be closed. For this reason, we need to move the data to the "Private Cloud Library" that we have just created.
"Private Cloud Library" is not listed as Storage Pool when creating new Storage Policy Copy. There are already 2 Storage Policy Copy attached from "Private Cloud Library".
The question is: How can I add a Storage Policy Copy with different retention addressing the same Library? Is there a limitation?
If I can't get past this, is there any suggestion on how I can move the data?




Hello @lubimkomvolt 

Yes you can have whatever retention you’d like on as many copies as you’d like. Deduplication does not affect  retention so either way you can use whatever retention you’d like. It might also be worth looking into using Extended Retention.

Extended Retention Rules -


Thank you,

Hello @Collin Harper,

I see this article is closed, but I have anyway additional question. Limitation is one Storage policy copy per policy and DDB. What if is created Storage policy copy without DDB inside same SP? Can I have multiple SP copies non-deduplicated with multiple retentions?

Reason I am asking is, I need to create additional SP copy1 for mothly backups + retention 1y and SP copy2 for weekly backups + 3months retention. Both need to reside on same Cloud library inside existing SP with DDB. 


Thank you.

Hello @0ber0n 

This is a limitation due to the DDB. No two copies within a policy can use the same DDB.


Thank you,

hi @Collin Harper 

Is there a reason why  only one copy can be added ?

Hello @0ber0n 

Do you already have a copy within the policy associated to the Private Cloud Library Storage Pool? If so you cannot associate another to it. Only one Copy within a Policy can be associated to a deduplicated Storage Pool.


Thank you,
