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Hello good,

I have a question, I would like to be able to manage the backups so that they are not executed if there are not entirely free streams to assign them, but rather that when all the streams are configured in the free backup it is executed.

Example so you can understand me:

I have an Oracle RAC backup (2 nodes) with 4 streams per node for a total of 8.
I want it not to be executed with the streams that are available at that moment if there are not enough to reach 8 and thus use all the configured ones, I mean that if there are 4 free streams in the Storage Policy, do not perform the backup with those 4 streams but Only do it when all 8 are available.

Is there a way to manage this? any variable/additional settings?

Thank you,
All the best.

Hello @EJIE 

Unfortunately there is no setting in our software to do what you are asking for. A work-around would be to modify your schedules so that so many jobs aren’t running at one time so you can “guarantee” that the maximum streams would be available. 


Thank you,

Or use a dedicated storage policy for this particular client or clients instead of being just a member of a generic policy with many subclients associated  it will be a member of particular policy so you have enough device streams available for the client. Let’s say you gain exclusivity.

Of course you need to considerar also the streams limit per MA and per CommCell values.
