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After moving the index server to a new server, some users have STUBS with an incorrect link - i.e. the host has not changed.

Please help, how can this be changed for the entire organization?

I will be very appreciate for help.  

Hey @kszaf !!  I just talked about this with some of our top Client system experts.  Their advice was to go right to a support ticket.  The causes/effects/solutions here are very subjective and not a ‘magic button’ type fix.

Can you share the case number with me here?  I’d like to at least track your solution.

Hi @kszaf , following up to see if you were able to get this addressed.

Let me know if there’s an incident or a solution (or both)!


Hi @kszaf , following up to see if you were able to get this addressed.

Let me know if there’s an incident or a solution (or both)!


Marking this as closed, though please update if you pursue a support case.