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For Windows File System backups, 2 System State filters are being deprecated in 11.21:

  • {One touch files}
  • {Offline files}

These are being deprecated going forward since filtering these items will limit the ability to perform One Touch Restores.  Going forward, these filters cannot be added, though existing filters will be honored.

Please note that if these filters were added as a workaround and are removed, they cannot be re-added.  If errors arise as a result, please create a new discussion, or comment below.

Thanks for the Info Mike!

Didn’t see that in the Changes in FeatureRelease 21 Documentation. Shouldn’t that be noted there as well for everybody to be aware?

Was that a change already known when FR21 was released half a year ago?

Will there be any kind of Warning or Error Event thrown to inform Admins about this deprecated Config, allowing them to act?

Thanks for the heads-up Mike! 

My pleasure @Onno van den Berg!  Will definitely be sharing more of these Proactive notifications here on the Community.  It’s such a great venue for it!

@Mike Struening Looking at the bigger picture what Stefan said there are most likely many more of these deprecation and or changes that are not reflected in the release notes/documentation who can be very important for customers to know. Had quite a few experiences myself so I do hope you asked them to not only cover this particular change ;-)

We had recently upgraded from 11.21 to 11.24.7 and found that if we tried to make any changes to the default subclient for any of our servers we’d get an error “Critical system state components cannot be filtered from the subclient configured to perform system state backup operation” and it wouldn’t let us save our changes.  I found this community page which was helpful in determining that the {Offline Files} and {One Touch Files} in our global filter was the reason that we were getting the error and not able to make changes. 

I verified in the Commcell event viewer a message that said “Essential System State filters {One Touch Files}, {Offline Files} will be ignored for this backup job else it renders the system state backup unusable for recovery” for a number of our backups.  Upon removing these two deprecated entries from the global Commcell level policy, the error in the default subclient went away and we were able to make our changes.  Just thought I’d say thanks and share that this is being enforced in 11.24.7 in a way that leads to default subclient error “Critical system state components cannot be filtered from the subclient configured to perform system state backup operation” until the entries are removed.  I’m guessing someone before my time had added the entries as a workaround.

That’s fantastic, @ChappyNyererei !  You just made my day :grin:

Hi Chappy & Mike,


100% guys.  I was tearing my hair out with this and thank God for this forum, as we recently upgraded and couldn’t work out what was happening here for something that seems so simple.  I have now amended our Global Filters and taken out the two entries and...voila all is well in the world.  :grinning:  Keep up this great work all of you.



Thanks for the Info Mike!

Didn’t see that in the Changes in FeatureRelease 21 Documentation. Shouldn’t that be noted there as well for everybody to be aware?

Was that a change already known when FR21 was released half a year ago?

Will there be any kind of Warning or Error Event thrown to inform Admins about this deprecated Config, allowing them to act?

Great question, @Stefan Vollrath !!  I’ll follow up with our Documentation Manager and make sure it is listed (and easily found).  I made this request earlier so I’ll see if we have a release ETA on the documentation changes.

Regarding the event generation, the way this change actually works is that we ignore any filters for critical system state components during backup beginning SP21. If any such filters are found and ignored, they are logged and an event and JPR is raised during scan.

Thanks for the Info Mike!

Didn’t see that in the Changes in FeatureRelease 21 Documentation. Shouldn’t that be noted there as well for everybody to be aware?

Was that a change already known when FR21 was released half a year ago?

Will there be any kind of Warning or Error Event thrown to inform Admins about this deprecated Config, allowing them to act?

@Stefan Vollrath , just got confirmation this will be added to the 11.21 change list (no ETA, though).  Thanks!!

@Mike Struening Looking at the bigger picture what Stefan said there are most likely many more of these deprecation and or changes that are not reflected in the release notes/documentation who can be very important for customers to know. Had quite a few experiences myself so I do hope you asked them to not only cover this particular change ;-)

Absolutely, and I’m looking into ensuring that doesn’t happen.  On the same hand, keep me honest and on my toes.  If anything comes up, let me know!  Definitely going to be utilizing the forums more often as part of our existing Proactive notification system.

I love this community, @TonyQ !  So many great minds here, I get to learn every day (if not every hour) :nerd:
