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to be copied jobs still running for a while

  • 7 May 2021
  • 1 reply

 Hello community !

On the Storage policy

When I right click on the Primary copy > view jobs

I have 6 To be copied  Jobs 

Job 18586
View job detail
It was aws instance that I have removed from the subclient and I don’t neet this job

Job 18592
It was aws instance that I have removed from the subclient and I don’t neet this job

Job 18725

Job 19195

Job 19687

Job 20147

What should I do to let these job to be copied and remove the red alarm on the Storage policy ?

Thanks again for your valuable aid !


I assume these are snap jobs of an AWS instance? If so it appears they are awaiting backup copy to Commvault Media. You can try running a manual backup copy on the storage policy and seeing the outcome of that. If successful, they should no longer alert as needing copy.

That being said, if you truly do not need backups of this instance, you have the option to right click on these jobs (When listed from Snap primary copy) and choose to prevent copy. However, doing so may prune them immediately depending on snap copy retention. Therefore allowing backup copy may be the more conservative choice, and then allow them to age naturally once on primary.

