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Details below, but in a nutshell, I’ve successfully set up two VSA proxies for the hotadd transport thus far, one at each of two sites.  One site, at least, needs more. I “swear” that I’ve set this proxy up the same as the others, but for the life of me, it’s not appearing on the access node list:


Both the existing proxy and new one have the following software:

They’re on the same subnet (sequential IPs, for that matter) and both have established communication with the Commcenter on port 8403.  The working VSA also has a session with port 8400, altho it’s working so that may be the reason why…

I can successfully cvping on ports 8400 & 8403 to the commcenter and our mediaagent from the new proxy (call it vmProxy2). 

VMWare tools are the same.

Mono 6.8 is installed.

Oracle 8.8.

What.. on Earth, could I be missing at this point?  Any ideas?


Thank you for any help!

Hello @roc_tor 

If you login to the proxy and open commvault process manager, do you see all the services running under services tab? Also, could you try to reboot the proxy once and see if it comes up in the list?


Rajiv Singal

I’ve rebooted several times.. we have the following services running:

...vmproxy2:~➤ sudo commvault -all list

                       *** Instance001, bkp-sgw-cvcc1 ***


| Service   |   PID   |   Description                                          |


| cvlaunchd | 1660    | Commvault Launch Daemon                                |


| cvd       | 1661    | Commvault Communications Service                       |


| cvfwd     | 1663    | Commvault FireWall Daemon                              |


| ClMgrS    | 1665    | Commvault Client Event Manager                         |




Here’s another thought… tell me what you think:


Take the FREL client distributed by CV - double its RAM from 8 to 16 Gig, add some processors (I’m using 4 on my VSAs at the moment) and add three more SCSI paravirtual cards. 

It has Mono 6.8 on it and apparently won’t update that.

Voilà - VSA proxy.  Yes?  No?

Hello @roc_tor 

On vmproxy2, I dont see the services running for proxy. Maybe its not installed properly. If push installation works on this client, please use install software and select virtualization customization from the list and proceed to install and then check the status again.

Otherwise, you can download the media kit, create a tar package, place it manually on vmproxy2, run the installer. 

To end with, you can use .OVA present on our website and deploy a new FREL directly. 


Rajiv Singal

I’ve labeled Rajiv’s answer as the best, as that’s what I did - wiped out the VM and just deployed the FREL client, beefed it up a bit and it’s working great. 


A couple things I’ll add: 

  1. FREL OVA installs won’t update themselves to the current release level automajically - we need to update that manually.  
  2. The FREL OVA comes with other services installed (such as MediaAgent).  If your only purpose for this is to be a VSA proxy, security best practices, of course, guide us to uninstall those components.

Thanks, Rajiv!
