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Hello everyone,

I’ve got four support tickets open and I just realized I’m no longer able to upload log files.  I just tried to upload just the CommVault log and the job ran for 8 minutes then failed with the following:

> Error Code: u35:1193]
> Description: Failed to upload log files to web server

> &].
> Source: inf-srv57, Process: sendLogFiles

> Failed to upload log files to web server e].
> Source: inf-srv57, Process: sendLogFiles

> Failed to upload log files to web server s].
> Source: inf-srv57, Process: sendLogFiles

Has anyone seen this before?  Do you have any suggestions on what to check?



There are a few things you can check:

  1. Can you open a browser to see if you can reach to ensure that is not being blocked? 
  2. There also could be a timeout when trying to upload the logs.  Do you get the error right away or it takes a few hours?  In a previous case development suggested adding the additional setting on the CommServe CurlTimeOutInSec as documented here:  If this doesn’t work I would suggest opening a Support case with Commvault to further troubleshoot.

Thanks @Gil S,

I think we’ve found the problem.  From my Commserver host:

I’ve asked my network guy to take a look.


OK, a bit of a long story that I’ll share for everyone’s information.

We recently had a problem with our telephony system that was traced to CommVault swamping our internet connection when it ran aux copy jobs to replicate backups to cloud storage.  Putting throttling on the cloud copy of the storage policy didn’t help as there were still brief periods where CommVault would flood the network.

The solution my network guy came up with was to direct CommVault internet traffic through the pipe to our DR site and then out to the internet from there.  This totally removes CommVault traffic from the primary internet connection used by email, clients accessing our web servers, and out telephony system.  Unfortunately, a side effect of this was that my CommServer lost access to

The situation has been fixed and log uploads are working normally once again. 

Thanks for the help.

