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Will Commvault agent identify any filesystem corruption, when it tries to backup a unix filesystem or just ignore it and move to next filesystem ?

Hi @gandhikarthi 


It really depends on multiple factors like file system in use etc.

In most cases the read operation will skip and continue when it runs into a soft error but the job may either hang or go into pending if its a hard I/O error.

You may view the reason for skip from commvault console backup history right click on the job and view failed / skipped items.



Gowri Shankar 

Hey @gandhikarthi 


When you say filesystem corruption, what exactly is the corruption here? And what’s your expectation here?




One of the filesystem was corrupted and the mount point looked like empty folder. But didn’t see any error during the backup.

Hi @gandhikarthi 

Thats expected, if OS cant see the files even the backup will not see that files.

