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Hello team


OS: Wins2012 R2 datacenter

Commvault Client version: V11/SP25.32

Windows file system on the client indexing version :  2

installed date:   Apr/2018


I just came across an issue where the ‘Use VSS’ option is grayed out from general tab of subclient properties and that causes backup failed on the locked files.

I think uninstall/reinstall file system agent will work, and not sure why VSS option doesn’t active





@DanC - Based on the selection of “Track Access Time” this will gray out the “Use VSS” option, since it is needed/used by default.

@NVFD411 thanks


When view failed items, it shows 20more files failed to backup as it’s being used by another process :


pK:\CAT_Team_RMS\XXXX\NBData\Internal Support\Global Tech Risk\3. International\2022.05.05_XXX\2022.06.22_AP_XXX\XXX for XXX.docx] o0x20 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.


Doc stated *Use VSS for all files option will be used once Track access time option is enabled*

why it can’t backup the locked files and is there any additional setting we can use to allow Commvault backing up the locked files.

@DanC - Try unchecking “Track Access Time” and then change the VSS setting for locked files only or as needed.  Once you make the change then re-enable “Track Access Time” 



I tried the action plan that you recommended 

But when re-enable the option  “Track Access Time”, it reverts to ‘’Use VSS for all files’. looks like ‘For all files ’is the default option whenever enable “Track Access Time”.





I tried the action plan that you recommended 

But when re-enable the option  “Track Access Time”, it reverts to ‘’Use VSS for all files’. looks like ‘For all files ’is the default option whenever enable “Track Access Time”.


Just wondering if this an expected behavior - locked file will not get backed up when ‘Track Access Time’ enabled or this is something Commvault development team need to look into ?
