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i have used an account which was part of master group for all commvault configuration . later i have customized the permission of this user to minimum. does this affect any configuration which i was perfromed before 

HI @Ajal ,

It will do, It depends which features.

You can check what is needed / feature:

Best Regards,


@Sebastien Merluzzi  in this case what is process to change process ownership .


my case is below . 


i have a domain account which was part of master group and used for all the commcell configuration 

library config ,storage policy ,schedules and etc …

now i have changed user permssion to least role .


does it affect the schedule or storage policy which i created using this account .

if thats the case how do i transfer this to new master account

By default for Schedule, Storage Policy, Library there is no Security. So it should be fine.
