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We have a possible unique issue where we need to use a UNC path for CIFs logs files which is shared from one of our media agents on prem. 

I have attached a 5TB iSCSI mount to a media agent and created a UNC share \\MA\Job_Results\CIFs_Job_Results\*access node host name” 

The UNC path is shared at the “Job_Results” folder as suggested in this article to share it two levels above the destination of the logs folder:

I have created a local account on the MA with a unique username and password… 

Gone in to the advanced properties of the access node and mapped the following UNC path:
\\*media agent hostname*\Job_Results\CIFs_Job_Results\*access node hostname*

Then provided the local account previously created on the media agent, clicked ok, then ok again. The CAN (CIFs access node) properties dialog window hangs whilst it copies the local folder job results to the new UNC path local. 

Window closes once it’s completed and I can browse all the way down the directory paths to the main job results files, I can open these on the CAN and also edit / create new files with the assigned user name, GREAT! 

Now… when I run a job, scan phase kicks in and then almost immediately drops to pending with:
The user name or password is incorrect. (ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE.1326))-CreateFileW failed, File=F\\?\UNC\*Media Agent*\Job_Results\CIFs_Job_Results\*CIFsAccessNode*\JobResults\CV_JobResults\iDataAgent\FileSystemAgent\2\826\ScanInfoInc.cvf], 

Now, how can commvault CVFileScan tell me the username or password is incorrect if it’s already wrote all the files to the same share?

I already have a ticket logged with commvault, but they are not really sure and currently awaiting escalation, thought I would just ask here incase anyone has seen this issue? 

Thanks in advance, 

Dan Everitt

Good morning.  Can you please provide the case number for review?


Hi Apologies,

Looks like I forgot to input that, yes sure.

Incident 230322-378
