Hi, how can I check if my backups/subclients are up to speed with retention ? If I have reached the established retention and the data is starting to expire ?
Days and cycles that a client lacks to meet the policy
Hi, how can I check if my backups/subclients are up to speed with retention ? If I have reached the established retention and the data is starting to expire ?
Days and cycles that a client lacks to meet the policy
Thanks for the question.
There are a couple of ways to check retention for jobs:
The DRFC report can be filtered by various different categories, clients, library, storage policy, etc. if you want to focus in on particular aspects of your environment.
DRFC report will show Storage Policy, then clients and list jobs that are eligible for pruning (purple) or within retention and most importantly the reason why jobs are retained. The retained by reasons are all hyperlinked to documentation to help understand the logic.
At the end of the report is a summary that gives an overview of data in each status.
Once you have reviewed the report, you should be able to identify job retention reasons and then decide if that is expected or not. For example, if a client has many incremental filesystem jobs being retained by days and cycles rule, it may help to run a final Synthetic Full job to roll up incrementals into a final full to complete the cycle.
Thanks, I had seen these two solutions, I'm looking for .... "if possible" I make an example.
My client has associated a policy of 60 days and 8 cycles.
Is it possible to check without checking one client at a time if these 60 days and 8 cycles have passed ?
As long as the data aging administrative task runs (by default is scheduled to run on a daily basis), it will take care of the expiring the jobs as per the retention defined for them.
You can set up an alert for being notified in case Data aging has not run:
After the theory, regarding your wishlist, take a look to this report, it might be close to your request.
In this report, in the first two tables, the first by agent type and the second by storage policy, estimates are given, forecasts of occupation in a time window.
Agent Windows file system, retention from 0 to 7 days occupies X TB, 30 to 90 occupies xx TB.
Storage Policy 60D8C, from 0 to 7 days occupies X TB, 30 to 90 occupies xx TB.
Is this correct?
Best it is to install the report and see how it works.
I am more interested in the second table, you select the storage policy of 60 days and 8 cycles, you should have no data for the last two columns (period higher of 90 days) in normal conditions.
There are more columns in your example that the one in the example displayed in our Store:
In any case, I think report provides amount of data of jobs between the period specified in the column.
however for the data I am not sure yet.
I would like a confirmation that my 1,679 TB indicated in the column 30 - 90 days are the estimated occupation of all my clients with a retention of 60 days and 8 cycles....
No, your jobs for policy SP60D8C_BK_PE are within the four columns 0-7 days + 7-14 days + 14-30 days + 30-90 days. On the four columns on the right you have 0 TB so we can agree your jobs are expiring, this is what you were looking for, right?. Ideally you would prefer to have a 30-60 days column or 0-60 days column but I think you can use the report as it is.
In my example, I have a Server plan with 30 days and 1 cycle, so there are 0 TB on the five columns on the right so no old jobs are staying there and they are aging as expected.
Let me give one last try.
This is your need: ”My client has associated a policy of 60 days and 8 cycles.
Is it possible to check without checking one client at a time if these 60 days and 8 cycles have passed ?”
I understand you want to check that jobs are expiring as per basic retention of 60days and 8 cycles, in other words, the retention set is met. Assuming weekly full is scheduled and no subclients are decomissioned, in the report you see that there are no jobs older than 90 days consuming any storage, we can see that the four columns on the right you have 0 TB.
Yes, you can either check by client, which might take time if there are many or by storage policy copy if all the clients you want to check are associated to the same policy.
Make sure you have Cycles/Sequences, Retain Until and Retained By columns visible:
You can then check, potentially by filtering by client, agent, etc. to see if Retain Until dates make sense and if Cycles/Sequences line up with expectations, e.g.:
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