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i know that we are currently using OpenJDK for opening the commcell in new installations.

but seeing as Oracle is changing their license model, we have been getting qeustions.

is this something that will automatically/changed be updated during a new update?

or will customers with an old installation need to manually remove and re-install the Commcell?


thank you, 


kind Regards,


Thos Gieskes.

something to add:

the url link to acces the commcell from anywhere in the environment.

(f.e. commservehostname/console)

does this need to be edited/changed?

kind regards,


Thos Gieskes.


In all currently supported versions of Commvault, server components use the Commvault JRE, which is a repackage of the AdoptOpenJDK or Temurin JREs. Those JREs are completely free and have no license fees. The Commvault JRE is routinely updated to newer java versions along with other Commvault updates.

If the CommCell Console is installed using the Commvault installer, it can be run locally using the Commvault JRE and no other Java software is required.

However, the CommCell Console can also be loaded via a web browser and run on any machine. In that scenario, a JRE must be present on the machine, and that java installation will not be installed or managed by Commvault.

To avoid licensing issues in that case, customers can use Temurin's free Java 8 JRE, instead of Oracle's Java 8 JRE, in combination with the Standalone CommCell Console (NetX.jar). More information on NetX.jar is available in Commvault documentation.

something to add:

the url link to acces the commcell from anywhere in the environment.

(f.e. commservehostname/console)

does this need to be edited/changed?

kind regards,


Thos Gieskes.



To run the Commcell Console using netx.jar, you can download it directly from the Commvault Store then run it locally.

You can also access netx.jar using a browser from anywhere in the environment, but the URL is slightly different than the usual commserverhostname/console. Instead, use commserverhostname/console/netx.jar.

More details are available on this Commvault documentation page.

Hi @Blaine Busler,

This topic shows up right away when I search for Commvault and Java, so I thought I would ask some additional Java-related detail.

We just got a Qualys security scanning subscription, and our Commserve server, which we originally set up in April 2018 with whatever the current version of Commvault software was out then, was flagged for having dozens of critical 5/5 level Java exploits.

Since it seems that sometime between now and 2018, Commvault now uses OpenJDK at C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\jre\bin then, at least from Commvault’s perspective, there should be no risk to removing the old Oracle-made java versions that old versions of Commvault installed back in 2018?

(the only thing that runs on this server is Commvault-related software so as long as Commvault doesn’t need it, we can go ahead and uninstall).

Unrelated to Java, but related to Commvault’s possible usage of old versions of software: I also noticed in the Qualys report that our commserve is reporting the usage of a now-obsolete MS SQL Server 2014. I take it that it is my responsibility to acquire a new license for a supported version of SQL Server, and then carry out the upgrade via documentation here?

Hi @ZachHeise,

Yes, you are right on both counts.

Since we started deploying a dedicated JRE under the Commvault install point, we no longer need the old Oracle Java installation if one is present.

Because the old Oracle’s JRE was installed for the whole system, and our own installer can’t determine whether non-Commvault applications are using it, it would not be safe for us to remove it automatically. Since that is not an issue for you, it is safe to uninstall it.

You can follow the doc page that you linked to to upgrade MS SQL.

