Earlier this year I switched my OneDrive backups from V1 to V2 backups and it was a problematic exercise that took several months and several support tickets to get working. I’m trying to confirm our retention and storage for the auditors and an having some difficulty. When I sign on to the Command Center, I see that OneDrive backups use the OneDrive BU V2 plan (Command Center > Protect > Office365 > OneDrive for Business > OneDrive_V2 > Content). Clicking the OneDrive BU V2 link, I see the retention is set to 3 years (1095 days) but that it doesn’t specify the backup copies.

If I go into Protect > Office365 > OneDrive for Business > OneDrive_V2 > Configuration, in the Infrastructure settings section I see Server Plan is O365_Plan.

If I click on the O365_Plan link, I see that there are three copies of the backups although one is a Snapshot primary copy so I’m really focused on the Primary and Dash to DR copies.

What’s confusing is that this shows only a two week retention period.
So my question is: Where do I see details on the copies of OneDrive backups that are retained for three years?
Any help is appreciated.