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I’ve spent most of today trying to work out why aux copies to a new media agent keep failing connecting to the SIDB on the destination MA.

It looks like it is Windows Firewall related as the moment I turn that off things work.

On the new MA which is Windows 2022 it looks like Commvault has only put in 2 firewall rules very similar to the ones in this post.

On the existing Windows MA’s I have lots of automatically added exceptions for tons of individual Commvault processes.

My MAs and Commcell are all in the same VLAN so other than Windows Firewall on each host there is no firewalling between them.

I’m struggling to find the documentation on what should be in Windows Firewall and I keep coming across “Network Topologies” but the documentation that isn’t exactly clear either about what they actually do in this situation and whether I should need them.

Also the new MA doesn’t appear to be in any of the smart groups with the CommCell and/or other MAs.

Should I be looking at Network Topologies or am I missing something with how to get Commvault to add its exceptions into Windows Firewall please?

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