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Hello guys, 

i need your opinion about what is the best rout to take in order to perform an Aux Copy from StoreOnce catalyst to azure. so my question is this :

is it preferable to just create a blob storage and the create an Aux copy to send the data to Azure or to create a VSA StoreOnce to azure and do a copy Between the to StoreOnce catalyst ?

what is the best approach from your side to this situation ?


Just create a blob storage cloud library and copy there. Keep in mind this caveat:

Auxiliary copy from StoreOnce primary copy to a secondary copy with disk or cloud storage results in data size larger than primary copy. Since compression is disabled on primary copy, backups to secondary copy are also written in umcompressed format.



Hello Damian and thanks for your answer, 


So, from my understanding is going to be hydration from StoreOnce and then aux copy to blob storage with Commvault DDB. Is hat right?

Hello Damian and thanks for your answer, 


So, from my understanding is going to be hydration from StoreOnce and then aux copy to blob storage with Commvault DDB. Is hat right?

Yes thats correct. When you make a new storage policy copy it will ask to create a new DDB (or select from an existing global if you have one available)
