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Hello fellow Commvault users,

I have a question regarding the upgrade of Commvault from v10 to v11 while also migrating from Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2016. I am seeking to determine the best course of action for this process.

Option 1:

  • Start by formatting the server and upgrading it to Windows Server 2016.
  • Perform a Disaster Recovery to restore Commvault v10 after the OS upgrade.
  • Finally, proceed with the upgrade to Commvault v11.

Option 2:

  • First, update Commvault v10 to v11 while the server is still running on Windows Server 2012.
  • Once the Commvault upgrade is complete, format the server and update it to Windows Server 2016.
  • After the OS migration, recover Commvault using the Disaster Recovery process.

I would greatly appreciate your input and feedback on which option you believe is the most efficient and reliable for upgrading Commvault and migrating the OS. If any of you have faced a similar situation or have alternative suggestions, please share your thoughts.

Thank you all in advance for your assistance and support in this endeavor.



Have you checked this?





Thanks for you answer, yes, I have.


Thanks for you answer, yes, I have.

So that's the way to go. I've done a similar migration/upgrade in that way.

Hi @Alexis ,


@PedroRocha  is correct, the preferred approach will be to follow the Commserver upgrade with Hardware refresh documentation =


Do mind to take into account that support for v10 was dropped several years ago, so you will have to perform a step-by-step upgrade. I would recommend to open a ticket for verification, but from what I know you first go to v11 SP16 and upgrade afterwards to Platform Release 2022E from where you can upgrade to the latest platform release. 

Hi @Alexis , @Onno van den Berg , I have just checked with development, who has confirmed we can upgrade from a v10 CSDB directly into any of the supported FRs (FR24, FR28, FR32 and so on)


You won’t need to do an intermediate upgrade to SP16
