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Hi Guys, 

a wrong message is being displayed in our Commsever (more usage is listed as it is, instead of 6,5 TB it is showing 9 TB of data). I read, that a license renewal file for the Commvault can correct the error. Can you please tell me where and how I can download such a license renewal file? Do I need to contact the sales manager, who is responsible for purchase of Commvault and he will contact the Commvault Team or how does it work?


Best regards


Hi @Eugen,


Do you mean that Commvault is suggesting that you are consuming more licensing than you believe to be accurate?  If so, which license in particular is passed the threshold?  Typically I wouldn’t expect getting a re-cut of a license to correct a calculation issue.


If you can share some additional details about which license is showing an overage, I may be able to offer more targeted advice on how to solve the issue.




-Brian Bruno

Hi Brian,

The problem has been solved. I compared the data on the server and Commvault seems to be calculating correctly. However, I still have a question for you. A file system client backs up a hard drive D:\. The total size is 5 TB, but only 3 TB are occupied by data, the rest is empty. However, Commvault charges 5 TB for the drive. Does Commvault also charge the empty space on the hard drive for the license?
