Hi Folks
I’ve hit a problem in seeding data to azure using a Databox
Copy had been created and DDB is ready to be shipped also.
I’ve followed this procedure:
this has also helped:
I’m on step 4 “Once the jobs associated with the initial seeding is complete, shutdown the data box using the recommended shut down process for Azure Data Box.”
Running the validation i get this error:
https://aka.ms/dberr5 - Large file shares are not enabled on your storage account(s). To disregard this error
The CV_Magnetic is 36TB an so easily hits the 5TB limits stipulated here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/databox/data-box-disk-limits under “Object size limits and Azure Files”
So the only think i can do is drop the storage to LRS and enable large file format. - First Question is this the resolution or should i handle this in another way?
Second question - As the customer wants RA-GRS for redundancy so after converting databox to cloud library seed would i need to do another Cloud to Cloud copy here to get the baseline data out of the LRS storage?
Any suggestions greatly appreciated