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Hi Folks 

I’ve hit a problem in seeding data to azure using a Databox

Copy had been created and DDB is ready to be shipped also. 


I’ve followed this procedure:

this has also helped:


I’m on step 4 “Once the jobs associated with the initial seeding is complete, shutdown the data box using the recommended shut down process for Azure Data Box.”


Running the validation  i get this error: - Large file shares are not enabled on your storage account(s). To disregard this error

The CV_Magnetic is 36TB an so easily hits the 5TB limits stipulated here: under “Object size limits and Azure Files”

So the only think i can do is drop the storage to LRS and enable large file format. - First Question is this the resolution or should i handle this in another way?

Second question - As the customer wants RA-GRS for redundancy so after converting databox to cloud library seed would i need to do another Cloud to Cloud copy here to get the baseline data out of the LRS storage?  

Any suggestions greatly appreciated

Good afternoon.  Have you reached out to Microsoft about this issue?  They could probably shed a bit more light on what the error refers to.  Step four is to shut down the box, if it is failing a validation, they would know why.

