I am facing error regarding connection to DeDuplication Database. It can be caused by many reason but my specific problem is that the directory with DDB is locked for write. This was confirmed by SIDBEngine.log and simply you cannot create folder in DDB folder.
Status of DDB is ONLINE. I can freely read from it, I can freely travers through it, I can copy the folder to different place and here I can create files/folders inside without limit. There is no way to manage from CMV - it is not possible to backup, restore, seal, verify etc. I cannot move the partition. It seems as Windows/Hardware problem but….
I checked windows logs - no events from disk, scsi etc.
I checked filesystem - all looks fine
I checked hardware events (it is HPE server, so iLO log, IML log, I checked smart array status)
It seems that it is limited only to this DDB folder. On the same drive, same volume, different directory all working as usual. So there is no write protection on drive or volume level (checked by diskpart)
I tried to unlock it using attrib command, passed but no result. Also reboot and stopped services was tested.
As workaround I firstly created new DDB to different folder, created new storage policy and completely convert all jobs to this new policy. One day was this working like a charm but next backup cycle again - this new DDB locked for write and again DDB inaccesible.
At this moment I must backup only with disabled deduplication on storage policies (so DDB ommited)
I have version 11.26.15 with latest patches.
Somebody else with this issue?
Many thanks for reply Michal