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I have a configuration writing to VAST Data S3 cloud library with Object lock and WORM storage lock enabled.

The DDB is scheduled to be sealed periodically as per the WORM storage lock configuration.

Storage Pool Copy settings is as below:

Retail for - 90 days

Create new DDB every - 90 days

WORM lock - 180 days


I have two libraries configured like this and both experience the same thing.

First time round the DDBs were sealed and new ones was created about 90 days later. This time round over 100 days have passed but the DDBs have yet to be sealed per schedule.


What could be preventing the DDBs from being sealed?

Can or should they be sealed manually? What impact will this have on the scheduled sealing?





Hi @Iggy ,


Can you please confirm commvault software version of Commserver and media agent where DDB partition is hosted ?




Hi Suleman,


The CS and MA’s are running 11.32.23 on WIndows Server 2019. The DDB is configured as partitioned over 2 Media Agents.





Hi @Iggy ,


This is known issue fixed in 11.32.38.

Issue Hotfix

Hide Included from Maintenance Release 11.32.38 (Jan 03, 2024)

Issue Hotfix

Auto Sealing DDB's not acting as expected

9900, 9901


ref: Maintenance Release 11.32.43 (Feb 13, 2024) (


Do upgrade to latest Maintenace release 11.32.43 and raise a new incident if issue exits


link for latest MR :!/130/657/29108




Hi Suleman,


Thanks for the information. Has this always been an issue in 11.32 or was it introduced in a certain MR?

I need to check if the previous sealing occurred when the CS was running on 11.28 or 11.30.


Could I seal those DDBs manually without impact in the meantime?





Hi @Iggy ,


It was identified in 11.32, it worked fine in 11.28.


Could I seal those DDBs manually without impact in the meantime?

=> Yes, we can.




Hi Suleman,

It appears that the previous sealing was done when the CS was on 11.32. The upgrade from 11.28 to 11.32 was done on 20 Sept 2023. The last DDB sealing was done mid November 2023.

Could there be any specific issue preventing the DDB from sealing automatically?




Hi @Iggy 

It should have been sealed automatically, but it should work after upgrading to latest MR.


Did we perform any upgrades after upgrading to 11.32 ?





Apologies for not explaining correctly.


The previous automatic sealing of the DDB occurred when the CS was on 11.32.23. No additional updates were done on this version.

Are you sure that this behavior is related to the issue identified?





Hi @Iggy .


No worries.


yes, this is definitely fixed in the latets Maintenance release. If it doe snot help would reqest you to raise a support incident. We have it escalated to Development to understand the problem, but before that you will have to upgrade to latest maintenance release.




Hi Suleman,

Immediately after the MR was installed the DDBs were sealed. Thank you for your assistance.




