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Hope you can help me.

When doing app aware backups, the software installs an agent on the VM, correct?

What happens when I want to granular restore the app data?

From what I’ve read (not so sure), Commvault mounts the VM filesystem on the MediaAgent and one is able to look for granular app data and then copy what is wanted to the VM. Does copying the app data to the VM need an agent to be installed (on the VM or anywhere)?


Hey Sergio!

The workflow will install the agents on the clients/vms as long as the required ports are open.

the license will temporarily use an Application class license, but switch over to an Application Class Virtual license after installation is complete:

For the initial installation and configuration of application plug-ins, an application agent license is required. After the initial configuration is complete, application-aware backups release the application agent licenses and consume Application Class Virtual licenses instead.

Hello Sergio,

Restore of app data to destination VM needs respective application plugin component on that machine or a respective App agent on it to select it as destination client. If its same VM then plugin already present in it part of AppAware backup.

Please refer here for details:

MS SQL restore BOL




Thank you guys. Both answers are really helpful.
