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2 VM’s are receiving “Downloading Virtual Machine Config file” errors


Restarting the VM machines did not work any suggestions how to solve this issue?




Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)

Compatibility ESXi 6.0 and later (VM version 11)


Hello @Commvault387 , and welcome!

Can you take a look at the vsbkp.log for this Job Id and share what you see here?  That error is more of a symptom than a cause.


Hi @Commvault387 , hope all is well!

Were you able to review the vsbk.log file?

Hi Thanks for checking up.



Is that vsbk.log file located on the HOST?



Should be located on the /Proxy server.

Hi @Commvault387 , following up to see if you were able to review the log files on the proxy (and share here).


Just a quick tip on this one. As @Mike Struening said, its difficult to diagnose without looking at the commvault vsbkp.log file on the proxy / access node being used for the backup. In there, you will find an HTTP error code which will give more clues.

Typically I drop the URL in the log file into a web browser and see if its accessible (that's pretty much replicating the operation outside of Commvault). A common issue since this is a regular HTTP GET request, is that a proxy server or other settings (security settings) applied on the server (via group policy or something else) is stopping or blocking access to the URL to perform the download. 

In rare circumstance vCenter is having an issue, but there is an automatic fallback to download the files from the host in that case.
