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VMware protection and Transparent Snapshot


Some time ago Dell introduced support for Transparent Snapshots in their offerings which according to their materials should boost VMware VMs protection and restore. As far as I know Dell is the only vendor using this, so I am not sure whether this is a VMware technology or is it a third-party in this case.

Anyhow, I wanted to ask if there is a similar solution on the road ahead that is/will be available in Commvault?

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hello @Robert Horowski 

Transparent Snapshots is a feature created and used by the Dell backup solution.


In support we cannot comment on the road map and when/if new features will be added into the product but know Commvault is always one step ahead and treats being competitive seriously.  

Kind regards

Albert Williams

Userlevel 4
Badge +13

Hello @Albert Williams 

I work with Commvault for some time and I can generally agree that *usually* Commvault is one step ahead. This time though, unless there is some new feature enhancing VMware protection that I missed, I would argue 😊

What I really miss is better communication from Commvault about new features and planned changes. This could be really helpful when talking to customers about new opportunities. I hope that it will change some day. 

Thanks, and have a great day!
