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API /Client does not return all the clients

  • 12 October 2023
  • 6 replies

I’ve started to integrate the api within Databricks.


With common script and managed to extract all client / sub Clients using the documentation provided from customer Support.
I asked internally to our SysAdmin that manage CommVault,  to give me an extraction of the data from CommVault (All Clients).

The list given from sysAdmin does not match with what I extract from API ( Like 4000+ hostname in mismatch).
My Question is :

  1. Has someone encountered this issue?
  2. Shouldn’t route /Client return ALL  and I Mean ALL clients that I see on CommVault application?
  3. Why do we encounter a mismatch between API and commVault Extraction?

6 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +18

The Client API call is returning all clients in my lab.

Does the account you’re authenticating with for the API query have full access?


Badge +2

Not sure about this.
Can you tell me exactly where to look in CommVault to see if my account has full access?



Badge +2

Hi Scott,

I’ve asked to our sysAdmin, they’ve told me that they gave me VIEW permission on my user to our CommServer.
It is the right permission?

Thank you,


Userlevel 6
Badge +18

Command Center | Manage | Security | Users and User Groups

You can review the Roles and Associated Entities for your account and/or groups.  However, if you have a large number of clients, this might be a complex task.

An easier thing you might try.  Log into Commvault using the same account you’re using for the API queries and see what clients you see.  Spot check a few of those 4000+ to see if you see them or not.  If you do not see them in the Commvault UI, it’s a permissions issue and you’re not going to see them in your API results either.


Userlevel 6
Badge +18

An easier thing you might try.  Log into Commvault using the same account you’re using for the API queries and see what clients you see.  Spot check a few of those 4000+ to see if you see them or not.  If you do not see them in the Commvault UI, it’s a permissions issue and you’re not going to see them in your API results either.

Login to Commvault with your account and see if you see everything.


Badge +2

Hi Scott,
we Figured out that the list given from our SysAdmin also cointaned VM and Kubernates Applications, which is correct that /client route does not return them, but we have to integrate the routes for getting VM and Kubernates Applications.

Appreciate your help, through.

Kind Regards,

