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reading through the BOL and it looks straight forward. Only question is, I have a two nics in my Production & Storage bonds so do I edit below for Prod in enpsf5 as enpsf5 was added to the bond when creating.


and the same for storage /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enpsf4 & enpsf6



You should change that IP address on the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bondX instead of the individual interfaces in that case.


Note that if you want to do that for all the nodes at the same time, it would be better to stop the cluster completely before reconfiguring the IPs on the nodes. You can follow this document to do so:


You should change that IP address on the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bondX instead of the individual interfaces in that case…………. Perfect, can’t understand why it does not have this in BOL ! 

Because the person who write it did not took into consideration that most of the users will have a bonded topology instead of a basic topology. Once you know how it works the network configuration on a Linux server you know where you have to perform the changes on the right configuration files.
