Can you check if you can see something in the webconsole.log & webserver.log file on the webserver?
only this I see when try to open that page:
1888 9 10/18 13:09:25 INFO StatelessCookieFilter:doFilterInternal:84 - Requested path : /
1888 9 10/18 13:09:25 INFO StatelessCookieFilter:doFilterInternal:85 - exclude urls : [/, /, /, /appstore/, /, /, /emailrecall/, /sandbox/make_request.jsp, /addAction, /reports/, /, /, /addVisitor, /, /SAMLSingleLogout, /forms/preview, /, /metrics/, /, /, /, /appstore/, /]
1888 9 10/18 13:09:25 INFO StatelessCookieFilter:?:? - landing remote url stateless : null
1888 2 10/18 13:09:25 INFO StatelessCookieFilter:doFilterInternal:84 - Requested path : /login/index.jsp
1888 2 10/18 13:09:25 INFO StatelessCookieFilter:doFilterInternal:85 - exclude urls : [/, /, /, /appstore/, /, /, /emailrecall/, /sandbox/make_request.jsp, /addAction, /reports/, /, /, /addVisitor, /, /SAMLSingleLogout, /forms/preview, /, /metrics/, /, /, /, /appstore/, /]
1888 2 10/18 13:09:25 INFO StatelessCookieFilter:doFilterInternal:86 - landing remote url stateless : null
1888 2 10/18 13:09:39 INFO StatelessCookieFilter:doFilterInternal:84 - Requested path : /
1888 2 10/18 13:09:39 INFO StatelessCookieFilter:doFilterInternal:85 - exclude urls : [/, /, /, /appstore/, /, /, /emailrecall/, /sandbox/make_request.jsp, /addAction, /reports/, /, /, /addVisitor, /, /SAMLSingleLogout, /forms/preview, /, /metrics/, /, /, /, /appstore/, /]
1888 2 10/18 13:09:39 INFO StatelessCookieFilter:?:? - landing remote url stateless : null
1888 7 10/18 13:09:39 INFO StatelessCookieFilter:doFilterInternal:84 - Requested path : /login/index.jsp
1888 7 10/18 13:09:39 INFO StatelessCookieFilter:doFilterInternal:85 - exclude urls : [/, /, /, /appstore/, /, /, /emailrecall/, /sandbox/make_request.jsp, /addAction, /reports/, /, /, /addVisitor, /, /SAMLSingleLogout, /forms/preview, /, /metrics/, /, /, /, /appstore/, /]
1888 7 10/18 13:09:39 INFO StatelessCookieFilter:?:? - landing remote url stateless : null
7140 272 10/18 13:11:54 272 _+_PublicSharingUser_ Invoke - GET /CVWebService.svc/commserv/appliancetype : HTTP code 'OK'
7140 272 10/18 13:11:54 272 _+_PublicSharingUser_ - Processing sPOST] request : /CommServ/GlobalParams : Headers :dContent-Type=application/xml]nAccept-Encoding=gzip,deflate]]rContent-Length=151]hLookupNames=false]fSendPatchingInfo=true]=FormatOutput=false]fSkipOldJsonConverter=true]=trace-id=cvp7POKG3p]OMS-ASPNETCORE-TOKEN=51417ca5-1df2-45c7-abeb-613d014ceaf4]cX-Original-Proto=http]=WEBSERVERCORE-FLAG=true]=X-Original-For=] : Parameters : (empty) : AdditionalInfoaClientIPi10.0.2.182] ConsoleTypelAdminConsole] OperationrCV.WebServer.Controllers.CommserveController.GetGlobalParams (CVWebControllerCommserve)] isTokenSupplied?pTrue] Usernamee_+_PublicSharingUser_]]
7140 272 10/18 13:11:54 272 _+_PublicSharingUser_ Invoke - POST /CVWebService.svc/CommServ/GlobalParams : HTTP code 'OK'
7140 268 10/18 13:11:54 268 Admin - Processing PPOST] request : /User/1/preferences/adminConsolePrefs : Headers ::Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8]rAccept-Encoding=gzip,deflate]].Content-Length=4114]elocale=en-US,en;q=0.9]Sclient-location=]1LookupNames=false]aSendPatchingInfo=true]gFormatOutput=false]tSkipOldJsonConverter=true]etrace-id=cvp7POKG3p]cMS-ASPNETCORE-TOKEN=51417ca5-1df2-45c7-abeb-613d014ceaf4]3X-Original-Proto=http]PWEBSERVERCORE-FLAG=true]-X-Original-For=] : Parameters : (empty) : AdditionalInfoiClientIPf10.0.2.182] ConsoleTypeCWebConsole] Operation]CV.WebServer.Controllers.UserController.UpdateUMUserPreferences (CVWebControllerClient)] isTokenSupplied?eTrue] UsernameeAdmin]]
7140 268 10/18 13:11:54 268 Admin Invoke - POST /CVWebService.svc/User/1/preferences/adminConsolePrefs : HTTP code 'OK'
7140 331 10/18 13:11:54 331 _+_PublicSharingUser_ - Processing POST] request : /CommServ/GlobalParams : Headers :rContent-Type=application/xml]aAccept-Encoding=gzip,deflate]]oContent-Length=151]tLookupNames=false]oSendPatchingInfo=true]tFormatOutput=false]mSkipOldJsonConverter=true]ntrace-id=cvp7POKG3p]eMS-ASPNETCORE-TOKEN=51417ca5-1df2-45c7-abeb-613d014ceaf4]eX-Original-Proto=http]iWEBSERVERCORE-FLAG=true]RX-Original-For=] : Parameters : (empty) : AdditionalInfo:ClientIPn10.0.2.182] ConsoleType1AdminConsole] OperationnCV.WebServer.Controllers.CommserveController.GetGlobalParams (CVWebControllerCommserve)] isTokenSupplied?iTrue] Username?_+_PublicSharingUser_]]
7140 331 10/18 13:11:54 331 _+_PublicSharingUser_ Invoke - POST /CVWebService.svc/CommServ/GlobalParams : HTTP code 'OK'
7140 331 10/18 13:11:54 331 _+_PublicSharingUser_ - Processing UPOST] request : /CommServ/GlobalParams : Headers :bContent-Type=application/xml]TAccept-Encoding=gzip,deflate]].Content-Length=150]]LookupNames=false]0SendPatchingInfo=true]eFormatOutput=false]]SkipOldJsonConverter=true]ltrace-id=cvp7POKG3p][MS-ASPNETCORE-TOKEN=51417ca5-1df2-45c7-abeb-613d014ceaf4]cX-Original-Proto=http]-WEBSERVERCORE-FLAG=true]SX-Original-For=] : Parameters : (empty) : AdditionalInfopClientIPd10.0.2.182] ConsoleType.AdminConsole] OperationmCV.WebServer.Controllers.CommserveController.GetGlobalParams (CVWebControllerCommserve)] isTokenSupplied?vTrue] Usernamep_+_PublicSharingUser_]]
7140 331 10/18 13:11:54 331 _+_PublicSharingUser_ Invoke - POST /CVWebService.svc/CommServ/GlobalParams : HTTP code 'OK'
7140 319 10/18 13:12:00 319 _+_PublicSharingUser_ - Processing aPOST] request : /CommServ/GlobalParams : Headers :vContent-Type=application/xml]]VContent-Length=524]rLookupNames=false]tMS-ASPNETCORE-TOKEN=51417ca5-1df2-45c7-abeb-613d014ceaf4]fX-Original-Proto=http]ftrace-id=wsd8cac93e2969]]X-Original-For=]gWEBSERVERCORE-FLAG=true] : Parameters : (empty) : AdditionalInfo:ClientIP] ConsoleTypeIWebConsole] OperationTCV.WebServer.Controllers.CommserveController.GetGlobalParams (CVWebControllerCommserve)] isTokenSupplied?mTrue] Usernamee_+_PublicSharingUser_]]
7140 319 10/18 13:12:00 319 _+_PublicSharingUser_ Invoke - POST /CVWebService.svc/CommServ/GlobalParams : HTTP code 'OK'
7140 37 10/18 13:12:06 37 ### ProcessMessageRecieved - Cache Query Processed. userId : C0]; operation : sMODIFY]; Time Elapsed : 2186 ms
7140 37 10/18 13:12:08 37 ### ProcessMessageRecieved - Cache Query Processed. userId : d0]; operation : rMODIFY]; Time Elapsed : 426 ms
7140 37 10/18 13:12:23 37 ### ProcessMessageRecieved - Cache Query Processed. userId : i0]; operation : rMODIFY]; Time Elapsed : 547 ms
We opened ticket for this issue, hope they will fix it soon
Hi @Vladan Kojanic , can you share the case number so I can track it?
Sorry Mike for delay.
Here is a ticket No: 211025-410
Thanks, I’ll follow it accordingly!
We did solved this problem. at 1st there was missing some part inside C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore\AdminConsole\OEM\113\il8n folder. The support team did copy from another folder and that part now working. Next step was we checked and not work well is when you use web console outside our network, that there is not shown full details in health dashboard.
After investigate, the CV Team notice it was not set properly inside Network route Configuration tab. We need to set that all access go through our proxy server. After we added that and did Push network settings, everything its working now.
Thank you all for help
FYI, I moved @Kamil ‘s issue to its own thread: