
Custom package install using activeBatch Job to install on Windows machine

Badge +2

I created a custom Package to install the commvault agent on a window machine. I’m planning on using ActiveBatch to run the job. When I run the custom package from the window machine manually and it install. However, when I attempt to us the ActiveBatch job it’s not installing. Below is the script used for the AB Job. 

$servers = "${server}"

foreach($s in $servers.split(','))
        $servername = $s + ""

        New-Item "\\$servername\c$\temp\commvault\" -Type Directory 

        Copy-Item \\backup02s\mdt\Applications\Commvault\CommvaultAgentStl.exe \\$servername\c$\temp\commvault\

        icm $servername {Start-Process -filepath c:\temp\commvault\commvaultagentstl.exe -argumentlist "/silent /install /silent" -Wait}

        Remove-Item \\$servername\c$\temp\commvault\ -Recurse -Force



Below is the command we use to start the activeBatch job. neither of those work. 

$server = 'server1,server2'
Start-AbatJob -JobScheduler Activebatch -ObjectKey "/Commvault/Install agent STL" -Variables "server=$server" | Wait-AbatJob | Select Key,State

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hi. We cannot comment on or troubleshoot third party tools. If the package works fine outside of AB then most likely it’s something on the AB side.

Userlevel 2
Badge +7

@Evrard - Try adding some error checking to the powershell script.  Also, try running the ActiveBatch script only using one server and see if its successful. With the Wait-AbatJob I would suspect that the job will be waiting for the first server install to complete, but your piping two names. 
