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Hello everyone,
one of our customers wanted to change the user for backing up his database via the Commvault WebUI. When he tried to do this, he received the following message:

The user does not have [Use Plan] rights for the plans [MySQL-Database].

The user [TSK-CV] could not be verified for the instance [BAV1]. Check that the services are online and with the correct user name and password.

I checked the permissions of the Tenant Admin role and could not find any permissions that might be missing.
Can you possibly help me here?



Hi @thomas.S 

“Use Plan” permissions are availabel with the user roles:

  • Data Controller

  • Infrastructure Administrator 

You will need these roles to edit the plan. Once the change is done, these permissions can be revoked if needed if the cutsomer is only meant to have backup operator permissions. 

Hello @RajA

I have adjusted the authorization, but the customer still has the problem.


Hi @thomas.S 

Please raise a support case as this requires further study in choosing the right permission. Please also let me know the case number. 
