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Hi All,


i would like to find out if it is possible to send logs files to a different location than the Deduplicated library used for DB backups. I want to send my log backups to a non deduplicated Library. I am aware that Commvault knows how to handle Logs in a dedupe policy but I would prefer to have them stored in a different Library so they don't go through the Dedupe Engine.


I know in Storage policy days we could have an Incremental policy assigned and would like to know if we can do the same with Plans.


Thanks in Advance


MeatBall :)

Hi @Meatball,


This is currently not possible and I'm also not sure if this is coming in the future. If I recall correctly they disable deduplication on transaction logs automatically when they are protected through plans. 

Hi ​@Onno van den Berg,

I’m currently trying to create a PLAN for HANA Backups, where the DBs are backed up directly to tape.

Since the amount of tape drives is limited, they cannot be used as primary target for transaction log backups, but a disk policy needs to be used.

How can this type of configuration be handled ?

Using schedule policies and Storage Policies, I was able to differentiate.
I could also associate a storage policy as the log policy for another storage policy.
When assigning the commandline storage policy, the defined / associated log policy is automatically assinged for transactiion logs.

I also tried this with the storage policy, created for / by PLANs, but the log policy for transaction logs is still the same as for the commandline backup when associating the instance to a PLAN. (currently running on 2023E MR71)

