We are trying to restore a single DB (Out of place) using DumpBasedBackupSet, but it fails with the below error:
Postgres version : 10.17
OS: CentOS stream 8
Postgres version : 14.11
OS: CentOS stream 9
Job log:
4072164 3e2328 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PostgresRestore::OnBufferPlFsHdr() - fifoname = /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults/CV_JobResults/2/0/21322972/testingdb
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PostgresRestore::applyPostGres() - Enter
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PGCommon::GetPGLibraryPath(1479) - Couldn't find library [/usr/pgsql-14/lib/libpq.so] , try to locate libpq.so.x version under library path.
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PGCommon::GetPGLibraryPath(1492) - found match libpq.so.5]
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 LoadlibpqSymbols() - Loading libpq Library...
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 ConnectDb() - Connection Info string: port = '5432' dbname = 'postgres' user = 'sqldba' password = ********
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PostgresRestore::applyPostGres() - col.size() = 2
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PostgresRestore::applyPostGres() - database = datnameatestingdb] datallowconn t] datistemplatedf], i = l1], col.size() = 2
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PostgresRestore::applyPostGres() - This database htestingdb] does exists, so lets delete the database
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PostgresRestore::DropDatabase(3288) - Command 8drop database "testingdb"]
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PGCommon::GetPGLibraryPath(1479) - Couldn't find library [/usr/pgsql-14/lib/libpq.so] , try to locate libpq.so.x version under library path.
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PGCommon::GetPGLibraryPath(1492) - found match libpq.so.5]
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 LoadlibpqSymbols() - libpq Library is already Loaded
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 ConnectDb() - Connection Info string: port = '5432' dbname = 'postgres' user = 'sqldba' password = ********
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PostgresRestore::applyPostGres() - Dropped database ptestingdb]
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PGCommon::RunUnixCommandErrorOutputInFile() - Command = /usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_restore -C -v -U sqldba -Fc --port=5432 --dbname="postgres" < "/opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults/CV_JobResults/2/0/21322972/testingdb"
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 PGCommon::RunUnixCommandErrorOutputInFile() - Output in file [/opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults/CV_JobResults/2/0/21322972/pg_restore_21322972_4072164]
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:17 21322972 CvProcess::system() - /usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_restore -C -v -U sqldba -Fc --port=5432 --dbname="postgres" < "/opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults/CV_JobResults/2/0/21322972/testingdb" 2>> /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults/CV_JobResults/2/0/21322972/pg_restore_21322972_4072164
4072164 3e2328 03/25 19:25:18 21322972 PostgresRestore::OnBufferPlFsHdr() - Process ready to receive Input
4072164 3e2328 03/25 19:25:44 21322972 writebytes() - write failed errno = f32]
4072164 3e2328 03/25 19:25:44 21322972 PostgresRestore::OnBufferPlData() - writebytes failed, bytes written = -1, bytes need to written = 45056
4072164 3e2328 03/25 19:25:44 21322972 PostgresRestore::FailTheJob() - Failing the Job
4072164 3e2328 03/25 19:25:44 21322972 Sending FAILED complete message to JM, 21322972
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:44 21322972 CvProcess::system() - Command completed with rc=137
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:44 21322972 PGCommon::RunUnixCommandErrorOutputInFile() - /usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_restore -C -v -U sqldba -Fc --port=5432 --dbname="postgres" < "/opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults/CV_JobResults/2/0/21322972/testingdb" 2>> /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults/CV_JobResults/2/0/21322972/pg_restore_21322972_4072164 137
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:44 21322972 PGCommon::RunUnixCommandErrorOutputInFile() - Unable to read from file [/opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults/CV_JobResults/2/0/21322972/pg_restore_21322972_4072164].Error 20x800710D2:{CQiFile::ReadWholeFile(1277)/W32.4306.(The library, drive, or media pool is empty. (ERROR_EMPTY.4306))-FileSize is <= 0}]
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:44 21322972 PostgresRestore::applyPostGres() - [/usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_restore -C -v -U sqldba -Fc --port=5432 --dbname="postgres" < "/opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults/CV_JobResults/2/0/21322972/testingdb"] pump the data, rett = -1
4072164 3e232f 03/25 19:25:44 21322972 PostgresRestore::applyPostGres() - system failed out = err =