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Hello Team,

I continue the commserve Active/standby installation on my lab, before testing failover, I am checking step by step with the commvault procedure

The log shipping seems to work well now.I have verified  the status on each commserve (process manager/failover)

screenshots are not really the same as the procedure but here is what I see

On the Production Node, the Last Sync Time is Not applicable

It seems to be ok right ?

Thank you !

commserve prod cs01


commserve standby cs02


Hi @Bloopa 

There will be no sync time between active CS and itself, so yes, the status here “Not Applicable” is correct.

The sync time on the passive node shows the last sync time from the active CS, so looks all good to me.

The next step is perform a failover, do let us know how it goes.



Production failover is taking more time at Perform last sync up before failover...
