We have a legacy setup wherein a share is both archived and backed up utilizing different sudo-clients. There is a sudo-client to take intellisnap backup; and then there is another sudo client which runs archive job on the same location. I am a bit confused by this setup.
What is archiving actually doing? My understanding was it would create a stub and move the data from primary storage to the MediaAgent saving some space on the primary storage and the backups would be smaller.
- Also when we restore the backups would it restore the stub or actual data?
Also what happens during the restore/recall of archive; does stub gets replaced by the files and would that mean that the if there is another client running backup on the same share; it will capture all data rather than stub;
Netapp Share:
NetApp 9.84 Cluster-Mode
Sudo client ZCluster1: Snapshot backup runs (Intellinsnap); backup copy goes to the MA (has DDB/IndexCache).
Location it protects
Another sudo-client (Archive): Archives a sub-folder in Shared Drive above “/SharedDrives/ Marketing”
However, it appears it is just backing up the same data again without creating the stub or changing anything on the primary storage.
I validated it by restoring the common files which are protected by both Intellisnap and Archive jobs and both restore the same data; wherein I had thought the restore that I would run from backup would just restore the stub file.
Is there a way to check if the archive job is resulting in any stub creation?
We have a legacy setup wherein a share is both archived and backed up utilizing different sudo-clients. There is a sudo-client to take intellisnap backup; and then there is another sudo client which runs archive job on the same location. I am a bit confused by this setup.
What is archiving actually doing? My understanding was it would create a stub and move the data from primary storage to the MediaAgent saving some space on the primary storage and the backups would be smaller.
- Also when we restore the backups would it restore the stub or actual data?
Also what happens during the restore/recall of archive; does stub gets replaced by the files and would that mean that the if there is another client running backup on the same share; it will capture all data rather than stub;
Netapp Share:
NetApp 9.84 Cluster-Mode
Sudo client ZCluster1: Snapshot backup runs (Intellinsnap); backup copy goes to the MA (has DDB/IndexCache).
Location it protects
Another sudo-client (Archive): Archives a sub-folder in Shared Drive above “/SharedDrives/ Marketing”
However, it appears it is just backing up the same data again without creating the stub or changing anything on the primary storage.
I validated it by restoring the common files which are protected by both Intellisnap and Archive jobs and both restore the same data; wherein I had thought the restore that I would run from backup would just restore the stub file.
Is there a way to check if the archive job is resulting in any stub creation?