
The vsbkp agent on xxxx has disconnected

  • 14 March 2023
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +12



Can anyone help to review the issue i am getting with VM backup. Everyday almost on the same time i am getting The vsbkp agent on [xxxxx] has disconnected warning. We are using 4 RHEL8,7 MediaAgent. And vsbkp agent get dissconeted on all MA's but not on the same time.


Which logs can i best to review to find the issue? Or what logs shall i uploade here to review ? 



6 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +14

Hello @Egor Skepko ,


The VM Backup process is using the vsbkp (VirtualServer Backup) executable/binary on the VSA Proxies here. 

You’ll want to check this log (vsbkp.log) on the VSA Proxies around the timestamps stated in the Events. - This would most likely be caused by a failure, crash or connectivity issue.

For Linux the log will be in /var/log/commvault/Log_Files/ 
For Windows the log is most likely in C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\


Best Regards,



Userlevel 1
Badge +12

@MichaelCapon That its first where i check the vsbkp log and i sow this:


3305710 333f38 03/14 00:25:43 2771247 CCVAPipelayer::SendCommandToDSBackup() - Sent Command 132 to MediaAgent, Waiting for Response...
3305710 3270ee 03/14 00:25:43 2771247 VSBkpCoordinator::OnMsgVMBackupResult() - Received Status [0] for VM [sv1336] from [sv1757]
3305710 3270ee 03/14 00:25:47 2771247 VSBkpCoordinator::OnMsgVMBackupStream() - Agent [sv1757] has returned StreamId [13], RCID [9871066], ReservationId[8514769]
3305710 3270ee 03/14 00:25:47 2771247 VSBkpCoordinator::OnMsgVMBackupStream() - Agent [sv1757] has reported a stream error, releasing [1] streams to job manager
3305710 3270ee 03/14 00:25:47 2771247 JM Client  Freeing rcid [9871066]
3305710 3270ee 03/14 00:25:47 2771247 VSBkpCoordinator::OnAgentStopped() - Agent [sv1757] has stopped
3305710 333f38 03/14 00:25:49 2771247 [PIPELAYER  ] Tail response = Close archive file succeeded Status = 0 dwCode = 0 MsgType = 16 MsgSubType = 132 EventError = 0


But why is agent stoped working on sv1757 Ma i dont know, the proxy server used for backup is sv1758.

Userlevel 6
Badge +14

Hi @Egor Skepko,


I’d suggest checking the vsbkp.log on the machine “sv1757” also here. - From your screenshot it looks like you have 3x VSA Proxies configured:


Best Regards,


Userlevel 1
Badge +12

@MichaelCapon Yes we using 4 acces nodes for the vm backup. We have differents subclients and one of then with 250 vm's. Do you suggest to use 1 acces node per subclient instead of 4? 

Userlevel 6
Badge +14

Hi @Egor Skepko 

We’ll need to check the vsbkp.log on each of the VSA Proxies here, to tell what happened on each machine to cause the message(s).


I’d suggest keeping multiple VSA Proxies per-subclient or at the Instance level. - This gives better scaling benefits (performance, fault tolerance and load balancing) and the VSA Co-Ordinator (Usually the first VSA Proxy) will distribute the VM’s to VSA Proxies with best access/transport.


Best Regards,



Userlevel 1
Badge +12

@MichaelCapon Wel i created Blackout Window for one of the subclient which casing agetnt disconnecting. I set the blackout window between the issue time and now the agent not disconnecting anymore. So i need figure out what happening on that time period
