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Why would only one Destination Media Agent be used?

  • 30 May 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi Team,


Quick question hopefully.


So if I have a partitioned GDSP. Two MA’s, one partition each.

Reading from storage which is mapped locally (preferred) to one Media Agent, and then accessed by the alternate MA by Mount Oath sharing (set to read-only if it is not local).


The target storage is up in the cloud. Two two ma’s have read-write access.


I have my SP’s running of it, with the Data Paths set as Round-robin.


For reasons unknown, when my Aux Copy runs, it is only using one of the Media Agents as a Destination Media Agent. Subsequently, one of the ma’s runs pretty hot, the other one does not.


But so far, I can’t see any reason why this would be the case.

To make it even more confusing, some of the Cloud mount paths have the preferred setting applied to them, but the Aux is not using it (not actually sure if its’ supposed to?).


So at the moment, I literally have 50 streams running, two MA’s in the DDB config, but only one MA being used for the Destination MA.


Has anyone seen this before, and if you fixed it, how did you do it?












1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +12

Hi @MountainGoat 

Thanks for reaching out.

The Aux Copy process by default will allocate all available readers and writers equally during a job assuming there are more than 1 stream available to read.

Can you ensure that you’re seeing the same behaviour in the streams tab, that you’re only seeing a single MA Reader and/or writer?

Also can you please run through a Validating a Mount Path on each of the destination MA and verify that both MediaAgents are able to write to the cloud.


