
Failed to install AppAware required software

  • 7 October 2022
  • 3 replies

Badge +1


I’m stuck in the remote software installation required to enable the AppAware backup for Active Directory.

I’ve already read the following post:
Failed to install Base Package 
Failed to install File System Core Package
But my problem seems like a kind of union of the two.

I followd the above thread suggestions and I can confirm that
1. The Commserve is a Windows machine
2. The communication between the Commserve and the DCs is fully opened.
3. The WMI connection test has succeded. I can connect the the DCs with the wbemtest tool

WMi test

The installation fails with the generic error “Install Software Failed Source: srvbkcv01, Process: DistributeSoftware”. It doesn’t give information about the error source.

Here are the Distributesoftware.log logs:

Machine : srvbkcv01
File : DistributeSoftware.log

3660 2050 10/07 11:05:27 85 JOB MANAGER INPUT PARAMETERS
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:27 85 Hostname (mangled) : SRVBKCV01*srvbkcv01*8400
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:27 85 DelayedReboot : [NO]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:27 85 AutoReboot : [NO]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:27 85 Restart : [NO]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:27 85 JobId : 85
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:27 85 TaskId : 68
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:27 85 JMToken : 85:2:1:0:0:2735
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:27 85 IgnoreRunningJobs : [YES]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:27 85 Job Type : Install Software
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 Init() - Initializing job control [token=85:2:1:0:0:2735,cn=srvbkcv01], serverName [Instance001], ControlFlag [1], Job Id [85]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 CVJobCtrlLog::registerProcess(): successfully created file [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\JobControl\3.660]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 JM Client CVJobClient::initialize(): Got remote host [SRVBKCV01*srvbkcv01*8400].
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 --------------------------------------------------------------
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 ------------- Starting Install Software -------------
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 --------------------------------------------------------------
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 [GetOptionsFromGui]() - Xml request received from GUI <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><TMMsg_JobOption><adminOpts><updateOption/><clientInstallOption discoveryType="0" installOSType="0" reuseADCredentials="0"><clientDetails><clientEntity _type_="3" clientId="15" clientName="SIRVMDC01"/></clientDetails><installerOption CommServeHostName="srvbkcv01" Operationtype="0" RemoteClient="0" requestType="0"><User _type_="13" userId="1"/><CommServeInfo/><clientComposition activateClient="1" overrideSoftwareCache="0" packageDeliveryOption="0"><clientInfo><client cvdPort="0"/><clientProps/></clientInfo><components><componentInfo ComponentId="453" ComponentName="VSS Provider" _type_="60" clientSidePackage="1" consumeLicense="1" osType="Windows"/><componentInfo ComponentId="51" ComponentName="MediaAgent" _type_="60" clientSidePackage="1" consumeLicense="0" osType="Windows"/><componentInfo ComponentId="1" ComponentName="File System Core" _type_="60" clientSidePackage="1" consumeLicense="1" osType="Windows"/><componentInfo ComponentId="702" ComponentName="File System" _type_="60" clientSidePackage="1" consumeLicense="1" osType="Windows"/><componentInfo ComponentId="703" ComponentName="iDA for Active Directory" _type_="60" clientSidePackage="1" consumeLicense="0" osType="Windows"/><commonInfo><storagePolicyToUse _type_="17" storagePolicyId="4" storagePolicyName="Daily-15DaysLocal-1MonthCloud"/></commonInfo><fileSystem configureForLaptopBackups="0"/><mediaAgent/><sqlAgent/><sharePointInfo><serverInfo serverName="SharePointServerName"/><SQLUserAccount password="||#5!M2U5NDFiNzFlNmFmZDBhOGNmZGNjZmVhOGEzZjg4MmJjOTUyNDY4NDRkMjJmYzY5Nw==" userName="SIRSAFETY\commvault"/></sharePointInfo><activeDirectory><userAccount domainName="SIRSAFETY" password="||#5!M2U5NDFiNzFlNmFmZDBhOGNmZGNjZmVhOGEzZjg4MmJjOTUyNDY4NDRkMjJmYzY5Nw==" userName="commvault"/></activeDirectory></components></clientComposition><installFlags addToFirewallExclusion="1" allowMultipleInstances="0" disableOSFirewall="0" forceReboot="0" ignoreJobsRunning="1" install32Base="0" killBrowserProcesses="1" overrideClientInfo="1" restoreOnlyAgents="0" skipClientsOfCS="0" stopOracleServices="0"><firewallInstall enableFirewallConfig="0" encryptedTunnel="1" firewallConnectionType="0" httpProxyConfigurationType="0" portNumber="0"><proxyInfo/></firewallInstall></installFlags></installerOption><clientAuthForJob password="" userName="SIRSAFETY\commvault"/></clientInstallOption></adminOpts></TMMsg_JobOption>
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 Packages selected For Install :VSS Provider,MediaAgent,File System Core,File System,iDA for Active Directory
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 CommServe Cache Location [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\SW]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 [SetCSCacheInfo]() - Trying to move to side by side cache.
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 [SetCSCacheInfo]() - Do not need to do clean up or baseline update.
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 Thread pool monitor interval [300] seconds, Refresh interval [60] seconds
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 [ComputeRequiredRelAndOsList]() - Could not get answer file since install directory is empty for client [SIRVMDC01].
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 [ComputeRequiredRelAndOsList]() - Successfully launched thread with Id [1] for [SIRVMDC01] to get it's binaryset name.
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:28 85 [ComputeRequiredRelAndOsList]() - Waiting for all the clients threads to complete..
3660 3034 10/07 11:05:28 85 GetClientOSType() - Found already configured Remote cache client Id [2] for new client []
3660 3034 10/07 11:05:28 85 GetRemoteClientOSType Connecting to remote cache [srvbkcv01] to get Client OS types for client []
3660 3034 10/07 11:05:28 85 [CCVPatchesUpdateDBServer::dllConnect]() - Starting dll connect in DBServer remoteHostName = SRVBKCV01*srvbkcv01*8400
3660 3034 10/07 11:05:28 85 GetRemoteClientOSType Successfully connected to remote cache [srvbkcv01]
3660 3034 10/07 11:05:28 85 [CCVPatchesUpdateDBServer::dllConnect]() - Starting dll connect in DBServer remoteHostName = SRVBKCV01*srvbkcv01*8400
3660 3034 10/07 11:05:28 85 [GetClientOSType]() - Successfully get client OS type [WinX64] using associated Remote Cache Client Id [2]
3660 3034 10/07 11:05:28 85 [GetClientOSType]() - Will associate Remote Cache client Id [2] to the new client []
3660 3034 10/07 11:05:28 85 [GetClientOSType]() - Setting OS id to [3] for client [] having binarysetname [WinX64]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:29 85 [CheckWhetherDownloadNeeded]() - Cache has the media for RelId 16, OSId 3, SP SP28_4489590:UP19_0
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:29 85 [CheckAndDownloadRequiredMedia]() - Download is not required.
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 [SetSidesToBeInstalledOnRCClients]() - Number of software caches involved in this job are [1]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 Only remote cache's having status as invalid will be tried for sync.
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 [SyncUAForJob]() - Remote cache list is empty for the syncup.
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 Number of clients in job: [1]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 Use updated binary set id [3] for client id [15]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 SimInstalledPackages does not contain any entries for clientId [15]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 Client does not have any physical package.Client should be treated as new.
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 [GetClientInfo]() - Getting associated (phy/vir) clients and their package list for client [15]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 ****** Client = [], ClientId = [15], Release = [11.0.0], UpdateAgentClientId = [2]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 Binary set id [3], SimOS id [210], [updateOsId : WinX64]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 [SetIsAgentlessClient]() - This is a pre-configured client [15], No physical packages present.
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 [CheckIfInstallRequired]() - It is a pre install. New client will be installed..
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 It seems Client is locally uninstalled. Reading client's display name and network hostname from app_client table and ignoring name set in XML blob from GUI
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 ****** New Client = [], ClientId = [15], Release = [11.0.0], UpdateAgentClientId = [2]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 Client [SIRVMDC01] cache source : CommServe
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:30 85 No package or update requires reboot as per info on CS, client can reboot (if required) during actual installation
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 SP found in cache [SP28_4489590:UP19_0]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 Packages and Updates installed on Client:
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 Created lock file [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Deployment\SwCacheLocks\srvbkcv01\SP28_4489590\WinX64\ReadLocks\P3660_J85.lock]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 [StartRemoteActivity]() - successfully acquired read lock on cache [srvbkcv01] to copy packages and launch installer on client SIRVMDC01
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 SetNewClientProxyInfo() - Skipping setting proxy info when cache server is CommServer
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 Sending request to software cache [SRVBKCV01] to perform base package install on remote client
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 [fnCSUpdateDBJMStatusNew]() - Client status [ QGENERIC_QUEUING_FOR_TRANSFER] set successfully in JMQinetixUpdateStatus Table for client [ 15] [ ]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 [CCVPatchesUpdateDBServer::dllConnect]() - Starting dll connect in DBServer remoteHostName = SRVBKCV01*srvbkcv01*8400
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 [CCVPatchesUpdateDBServer::processXMLMessage] Requested Operation on Client succeeded
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 Successfully sent base package install request to client to software cache [SRVBKCV01]
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 Successfully initiated base package install request for client []
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 ****** Now Check status of all clients ******
3660 2050 10/07 11:05:31 85 Check status started for client [][15]
3660 2050 10/07 11:08:32 85 JM Client CVJobClient::initialize(): Got remote host [SRVBKCV01].
3660 2050 10/07 11:09:02 85 Waiting for the remote cache syncup threads to be completed..
3660 2050 10/07 11:09:02 85 Clients Failed:
3660 2050 10/07 11:09:02 85 Client [15] [SIRVMDC01] [QINSTALL_FAILED]
3660 2050 10/07 11:09:02 85 *******************************************
3660 2050 10/07 11:09:02 85 bvSuccess = false, bvFailed = true, bvRestartNeeded = false, bvUnknown = false, bvOperationNotSupported = false, bvSkipped = false, bvPartialSuccess = false, bvMachineRebootRequired = false m_nvJobRetStatus = 1
3660 2050 10/07 11:09:02 85 Job Failed.
3660 2050 10/07 11:09:02 85 COMPLETE CALLED (JOB Status::FAIL), Job ID = 85
3660 2050 10/07 11:09:02 85 [deleteLockFiles]() - Successfully deleted the lock file C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Deployment\SwCacheLocks\srvbkcv01\SP28_4489590\WinX64\ReadLocks\P3660_J85.lock
3660 14cc 10/07 11:09:02 85 CVJobCtrlLog::unregisterProcess(): successfully removed file [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\JobControl\3.660]

Have you got any suggestions?

P.S. I’ve also opened a support case but I thought it could be helpful to create a community thread for those who might encounter my same problem.



Best answer by alfpcs 12 October 2022, 16:55

View original

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Appreciate you sharing with us, @alfpcs !

You’re right, there’s not much in this log so the failure is likely elsewhere.  My next step would be to check the install logs on the client side.  It does seem like the install was initiated from the Commserve’s perspective but failed at some point.

Can you share the case number so I can track that as well?


Badge +1

Hello @Mike Struening and thanks for your time.

I had a remote session call with the support and eventually we managed to solve this issue. It turned out that this was a software glitch.

Basically the software was installed in the client machine but the Commserve didn’t receive the acknowledgmenet thus it marked the installation as failed.

We restarted the services on the Client machine for Commvault agent and then refreshed the CS console and it appeared inside the client computers section.

BTW the case number is 221007-233.

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

thanks for the update!
