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Azure Data box disk for copy data.

  • 18 April 2023
  • 4 replies


Today we would like to order some external device from Azure to copy the data between Azure and local site. 

Azure provide two options: 

-Azure Data Box Disk

-Azure Data Box. 

According to documentation Commvault support the second option, link to documentation:

but how does it look for the first option. We have network connection built on 1 Gb/s which should be so slow to send 30 TB of data. So maybe better option is Azure Data Box disk which can be connected by USB slot. 



4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +12

Hi @Michal128 

Thank you for reaching out.

I do believe both would be supported as both would be seen as a disk library in Commvault.
I will get this verified and update the document accordingly.


Userlevel 1
Badge +8

Hello Community, 

I checked the possibility for both solutions. In my option Storage Data Box Disk is completely unuseful. Few thinks: 

  1. Storage is divided on 5 separated disks. 
  2. Payment started from beginning when  usage that solution lunched. 
  3. Supported OS which can use that solution is only until Windows Server 2016.

So from my used study please use only Azure data box, or Azure Data Box Heavy. 



Userlevel 3
Badge +13

Hello @Michal128 ,

Any feedback about Azure Data Box? Did you used the service?

I try to understand how you are going to “see” the Disk Library in the Data box, in order to proceed with aux copy.


Userlevel 1
Badge +8

Hello NIkos.

The Azure Data Box is visible from the Commvault Commcell as NAS storage. From my site I see that only useful is Azure Data Box and Azure Data Box Heavy. We ordered the Azure data Disks, but this feature is not useful completely, because that hardware is delivered are separated disks, so if You have 5 TB of data only maybe that solution can be use, but for another only Azure Data Box or Heavy type. 


